Cluster proxy

Cluster proxy is an OCM addon providing L4 network connectivity from hub cluster to the managed clusters without any additional requirement to the managed cluster’s network infrastructure by leveraging the Kubernetes official SIG sub-project apiserver-network-proxy.


The original architecture of OCM allows a cluster from anywhere to be registered and managed by OCM’s control plane (i.e. the hub cluster) as long as a klusterlet agent can reach hub cluster’s endpoint. So the minimal requirement for the managed cluster’s network infrastructure in OCM is “klusterlet -> hub” connectivity. However, there are still some cases where the components in the hub cluster hope to proactively dail/request the services in the managed clusters which will need the “hub -> klusterlet” connectivity on the other hand. In addition to that, the cases can be even more complex when each of the managed clusters are not in the same network.

Cluster proxy is aiming at seamlessly delivering the outbound L4 requests to the services in the managed cluster’s network without any assumptions upon the infrastructure as long as the clusters are successfully registered. Basically the connectivity provided by cluster proxy is working over the secured reserve proxy tunnels established by the apiserver-network-proxy.

About apiserver-network-proxy

Apiserver-network-proxy is the underlying technique of a Kubernetes' feature called konnectivity egress-selector which is majorly for setting up a TCP-level proxy for kube-apiserver to get access to the node/cluster network. Here are a few terms we need to clarify before we elaborate on how the cluster proxy resolve multi-cluster control plane network connectivity for us:

  • Proxy Tunnel: A Grpc long connection that multiplexes and transmits TCP-level traffic from the proxy servers to the proxy agents. Note that there will be only one tunnel instance between each pair of server and agent.
  • Proxy Server: An mTLS Grpc server opened for establishing tunnels which is the traffic ingress of proxy tunnel.
  • Proxy Agent: A mTLS Grpc agent that maintains the tunnel between the server and is also the egress of the proxy tunnel.
  • Konnectivity Client: The SDK library for talking through the tunnel. Applicable to any Golang client of which the Dialer is overridable. Note that for non-golang clients, the proxy server also supports HTTP-Connect based proxying as alternative.


Cluster proxy runs inside OCM’s hub cluster as an addon manager which is developed based on the Addon-Framework. The addon manager of cluster proxy will be responsible for:

  1. Managing the installation of proxy servers in the hub cluster.
  2. Managing the installation of proxy agents in the managed cluster.
  3. Collecting healthiness and the other stats consistently in the hub cluster.

The following picture shows the overall architecture of cluster proxy:

Cluster proxy architecture

Note that the green lines in the picture above is the active proxy tunnels between proxy servers and agents, and HA setup is natively supported by apiserver-network-proxy both for the servers and the agents. The orange dash line started by the konnectivity client is the path of how the traffic flows from the hub cluster to arbitrary managed clusters. Meanwhile the core components including registration and work will help us manage the lifecycle of all the components distributed in the multiple managed clusters, so the hub admin won’t need to directly operate the managed clusters to install or configure the proxy agents no more.


You must meet the following prerequisites to install the cluster-proxy:

  • Ensure your open-cluster-management release is greater than v0.5.0.

  • Ensure kubectl is installed.

  • Ensure helm is installed.


To install the cluster proxy addon to the OCM control plane, run:

$ helm repo add ocm
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo ocm
ocm/cluster-proxy                 	v0.1.1       	1.0.0      	A Helm chart for Cluster-Proxy

Then run the following helm command to install the cluster-proxy addon:

$ helm install -n open-cluster-management-addon --create-namespace \
    cluster-proxy ocm/cluster-proxy
$ kubectl -n open-cluster-management-addon get deploy
NAME                                   READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
cluster-proxy                          3/3     3            3           24h
cluster-proxy-addon-manager            1/1     1            1           24h

Then the addon manager of cluster-proxy will be created into the hub cluster in the form of a deployment named cluster-proxy-addon-manager. As is also shown above, the proxy servers will also be created as deployment resource called cluster-proxy.

By default, the addon manager will be automatically discovering the addition or removal the managed clusters and installs the proxy agents into them on the fly. To check out the healthiness status of the proxy agents, we can run:

$  kubectl get managedclusteraddon -A
<cluster#1>   cluster-proxy            True
<cluster#2>   cluster-proxy            True

The proxy agent distributed in the managed cluster will be periodically renewing the lease lock of the addon instance.


Command-line tools

Using the clusteradm to check the status of the cluster-proxy addon:

$ clusteradm proxy health
<cluster#1>     True         True         True             67.595144ms
<cluster#2>     True         True         True             85.418368ms

Example code

An example client in the cluster proxy repo shows us how to dynamically talk to the kube-apiserver of a managed cluster from the hub cluster by simply prescribing the name of the target cluster. Here’s also a TL;DR code snippet:

// 1. instantiate a dialing tunnel instance.
// NOTE: recommended to be a singleton in your golang program.
tunnel, err := konnectivity.CreateSingleUseGrpcTunnel(
    <your proxy server endpoint>,
    grpc.WithTransportCredentials(grpccredentials.NewTLS(<your proxy server TLS config>)),
if err != nil {
// 2. Overriding the Dialer to tunnel. Dialer is a common abstraction
// in Golang SDK.
cfg.Dial = tunnel.DialContext

Another example will be cluster-gateway which is an aggregated apiserver optionally working over cluster-proxy for routing traffic to the managed clusters dynamically in HTTPs protocol.

Note that by default the client credential for konnectivity client will be persisted as secrets resources under the namespace where the addon-manager is running. With that being said, to mount the secret to the systems in the other namespaces, the users are expected to copy the secret on their own manually.

More insights


The installation of proxy servers and agents are prescribed by the custom resource called “managedproxyconfiguration”. We can check it out by the following commands:

$ kubectl get managedproxyconfiguration cluster-proxy -o yaml
kind: ManagedProxyConfiguration
metadata: ...
    image: <expected image of the proxy agents>
    replicas: <expected replicas of proxy agents>
        name: proxy-agent-entrypoint
      type: LoadBalancerService # Or "Hostname" to set a fixed address
                                # for establishing proxy tunnels.
    image: <expected image of the proxy servers>
    inClusterServiceName: proxy-entrypoint
    namespace: <target namespace to install proxy server>
    replicas: <expected replicas of proxy servers>
  authentication: # Customize authentication between proxy server/agent
  conditions: ...

See the original design proposal for reference.

Last modified September 20, 2024: Refactor using docsy. (#429) (3f36d75)