Register a cluster to hub through proxy server

When registering a cluster to an Open Cluster Management (OCM) hub, there is a network requirement for the managed cluster. It must be able to reach the hub cluster. Sometimes the managed cluster cannot directly connect to the hub cluster. For example, the hub cluster is in a public cloud, and the managed cluster is in a private cloud environment behind firewalls. The communications out of the private cloud can only go through a HTTP or HTTPS proxy server.

In this scenario, you need to configure the proxy settings to allow the communications from the managed cluster to access the hub cluster through a forward proxy server.

Klusterlet proxy settings

During the cluster registration, a bootstrap kubeconfig is required by the Klusterlet agent running on the managed cluster to connect to the hub cluster. When the agent accesses the hub cluster through a proxy server, the URL of the proxy server should be specified in cluster.proxy-url of the bootstrap kubeconfig. If a HTTPS proxy server is used, the proxy CA certificate should be appended to cluster.certificate-authority-data of the bootstrap kubeconfig as well.

apiVersion: v1
  - cluster:
      certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS...LS0tCg==
    name: default-cluster
  - context:
      cluster: default-cluster
      namespace: default
      user: default-auth
    name: default-context
current-context: default-context
kind: Config
preferences: {}
  - name: default-auth
      token: eyJh...8PwGo

Since the communication between the managed cluster and the hub cluster leverages mTLS, the SSL connection should not be terminated on the proxy server. So the proxy server needs to support HTTP tunneling (for example, HTTP CONNECT method), which will establish a tunnel between the managed cluster and the hub cluster and forward the traffic from the managed cluster through this tunnel.

Once the Klusterlet agent finishes the cluster registration, a secret hub-kubeconfig-secret is generated with a new kubeconfig. It has the similar proxy settings and the appropriate permissions. The Klusterlet agent then uses this kubeconfig to access the hub cluster.

multiple hubs

You can find an example built with kind and clusteradm in Join hub through a forward proxy server.

Add-on proxy settings

Typically the add-on agent running on the managed cluster also needs a kubeconfig to access the resources of the kube-apiserver on the hub cluster. The Klusterlet agent will generate this kubeconfig during the add-on registration. If the Klusterlet agent bootstraps with a proxy settings, the same settings will be put into the add-on kubeconfig as well. While agents of some add-ons may access services other than kube-apiserver on the hub cluster. For those add-ons, you may need to add additional configuration with proxy settings by creating a AddOnDeploymentConfig.

kind: AddOnDeploymentConfig
  name: addon-proxy-settings
  namespace: cluster1
    httpProxy: ""
    httpsProxy: ""
    noProxy: ".cluster.local,.svc,"
    caBundle: LS0tLS...LS0tCg==

The IP address of the kube-apiserver on the managed cluster should be included in the field noProxy. To get the IP address, run following command on the managed cluster:

kubectl -n default describe svc kubernetes | grep IP:

You also need to associate the configuration to the ManagedClusterAddOn by adding an item to spec.configs.

kind: ManagedClusterAddOn
  name: my-addon
  namespace: cluster1
  installNamespace: open-cluster-management-agent-addon
  - group:
    resource: addondeploymentconfigs
    name: addon-proxy-settings
    namespace: cluster1

With the above configuration, the add-on manager of this add-on running on the hub cluster can fetch the proxy settings and then propagate it to the managed cluster side, for example as environment variables by using ManifestWork API. And then the add-on agent can initiate the communication to a particular service on the hub cluster with the proxy settings.

multiple hubs

Once both the klusterlet agent and the add-on agents are able to communicate with the hub cluster through the forward proxy server, workloads, like applications, can be scheduled to the managed cluster.

Last modified September 20, 2024: Refactor using docsy. (#429) (3f36d75)