1 - Deploy Kubernetes resources to the managed clusters

After bootstrapping an OCM environment of at least one managed clusters, now it’s time to begin your first journey of deploying Kubernetes resources into your managed clusters with OCM’s ManifestWork API.


Before we get start with the following tutorial, let’s clarify a few terms we’re going to use in the context.

  • Cluster namespace: After a managed cluster is successfully registered into the hub. The hub registration controller will be automatically provisioning a cluster namespace dedicated for the cluster of which the name will be same as the managed cluster. The cluster namespace is used for storing any custom resources/configurations that effectively belongs to the managed cluster.

  • ManifestWork: A custom resource in the hub cluster that groups a list of kubernetes resources together and meant for dispatching them into the managed cluster if the ManifestWork is created in a valid cluster namespace, see details in this page.

Deploy the resource to a target cluster

Now you can deploy a set of kubernetes resources defined in files to any clusters managed by the hub cluster.

Connect to your hub cluster and you have 2 options to create a ManifestWork:

  1. Use clusteradm command

    clusteradm create work my-first-work -f <kubernetes yaml file or directory> --clusters <cluster name>

    where kubernetes yaml file should be kubernetes definitions, a sample:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      namespace: default
      name: my-sa
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      namespace: default
      name: nginx-deployment
        app: nginx
      replicas: 3
          app: nginx
            app: nginx
          serviceAccountName: my-sa
            - name: nginx
              image: nginx:1.14.2
                - containerPort: 80
  2. Use kubectl to create the ManifestWork

    kubectl apply -f <kubernetes yaml file or directory>

    where kubernetes yaml file should be kubernetes definitions wrapped by ManifestWork, a sample:

    apiVersion: work.open-cluster-management.io/v1
    kind: ManifestWork
      namespace: cluster1
      name: my-first-work
          - apiVersion: v1
            kind: ServiceAccount
              namespace: default
              name: my-sa
          - apiVersion: apps/v1
            kind: Deployment
              namespace: default
              name: nginx-deployment
                app: nginx
              replicas: 3
                  app: nginx
                    app: nginx
                  serviceAccountName: my-sa
                    - name: nginx
                      image: nginx:1.14.2
                        - containerPort: 80

The above command should create a ManifestWork in cluster namespace of your hub cluster. To see the detailed status of this ManifestWork, you can run:

clusteradm get works my-first-work --cluster <cluster name>

If you have some change on the manifest files, you can apply the change to the targeted cluster by running:

clusteradm create work my-first-work -f <kubernetes yaml file or directory> --clusters <cluster name> --overwrite

To remove the resources deployed on the targeted cluster, run:

kubectl delete manifestwork my-first-work -n <cluster name>

What happens behind the scene

Say we would like to deploy a nginx together with a service account into “cluster1”. A ManifestWork can be defined as follows:

apiVersion: work.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: ManifestWork
  namespace: cluster1
  name: my-first-work
      - apiVersion: v1
        kind: ServiceAccount
          namespace: default
          name: my-sa
      - apiVersion: apps/v1
        kind: Deployment
          namespace: default
          name: nginx-deployment
            app: nginx
          replicas: 3
              app: nginx
                app: nginx
              serviceAccountName: my-sa
                - name: nginx
                  image: nginx:1.14.2
                    - containerPort: 80

In this example:

  • A ManifestWork named “my-first-work” will be created into a “cluster namespace” named “cluster1”.

    $ kubectl get manifestwork -A --context kind-hub
    NAMESPACE   NAME            AGE
    cluster1    my-first-work   2m59s
  • The resources in the ManifestWork including a service-account, a deployment will be created to the cluster “cluster1”.

    $ kubectl get deployment --context kind-cluster1
    NAME               READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    nginx-deployment   3/3     3            3           4m10s
    $ kubectl get sa my-sa --context kind-cluster1
    my-sa   1         4m23s
  • In the status of ManifestWork we can check out the aggregated status indicating whether the prescribed resources are successfully deployed by the conditions in the field .status.conditions[*]:

    • Applied: Whether all the resources from the spec are successfully applied since the last observed generation of ManifestWork.
    • Available: Whether all the resources from the spec are existing in the target managed cluster.
  • Beside the aggregated status, the ManifestWork is also tracking the per-resource status under .status.resourceStatus[*] where we can discriminate different resource types via the .status.resourceStatus[*].resourceMeta field. e.g.:

  - conditions:
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-11-25T10:17:43Z"
      message: Apply manifest complete
      reason: AppliedManifestComplete
      status: "True"
      type: Applied
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-11-25T10:17:43Z"
      message: Resource is available
      reason: ResourceAvailable
      status: "True"
      type: Available
      group: apps
      kind: Deployment
      name: nginx-deployment
      namespace: default
      ordinal: 1
      resource: deployments
      version: v1

If possible, you can also switch the context of your kubeconfig to “cluster1” to check out the new resources delivered by ManifestWork:

$ kubectl --context kind-cluster1 get pod
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-deployment-556c5468f7-d5h2m   1/1     Running   0          33m
nginx-deployment-556c5468f7-gf574   1/1     Running   0          33m
nginx-deployment-556c5468f7-hhmjf   1/1     Running   0          33m

Updating the ManifestWork

Any updates applied to the ManifestWork are expected to take effect immediately as long as the work agent deployed in the managed cluster are healthy and actively in touch with the hub cluster.

The work agent will be dynamically computing a hash from the prescribed resources, and a corresponding AppliedManifestWork of which the name contains the hash value will be persisted to the managed cluster and replacing the previously persisted AppliedManifestWork connected to the same ManifestWork after the latest resources are applied.

$ kubectl --context kind-cluster1 get appliedmanifestwork
NAME                                                                                                   AGE
ed59251487ad4e4465fa2990b36a1cc398b83e63b59fa16b83591f5afdc3dd6d-my-first-work                  59m

Note that if the work agent was disconnected from the hub control plane for a period of time and missed the new updates upon ManifestWork. The work agent will be catching up the latest state of ManifestWork as soon as it re-connects.

Deleting the ManifestWork

The local resources deployed in the managed cluster should be cleaned up upon receiving the deletion event from the corresponding ManifestWork. The resource ManifestWork in the hub cluster will be protected by the finalizer named:

  • “cluster.open-cluster-management.io/manifest-work-cleanup”

It will be removed if the corresponding AppliedManifestWork is gracefully removed from the managed cluster. Meanwhile, the AppliedManifestWork resource is also protected by another finalizer named:

  • “cluster.open-cluster-management.io/applied-manifest-work-cleanup”

This finalizer is supposed to be detached after the deployed local resources are completely removed from the manged cluster. With that being said, if any deployed local resources are holding at the “Terminating” due to graceful deletion. Both of its ManifestWork and AppliedManifestWork should stay undeleted.


In case of run into any unexpected failures, you can make sure your environment by checking the following conditions:

  • The CRD ManifestWork is installed in the hub cluster:

    $ kubectl get crd manifestworks.work.open-cluster-management.io
  • The CRD AppliedManifestWork is installed in the managed cluster:

    $ kubectl get crd appliedmanifestworks.work.open-cluster-management.io
  • The work agent is successfully running in the managed cluster:

    $ kubectl -n open-cluster-management-agent get pod
    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    klusterlet-registration-agent-598fd79988-jxx7n   1/1     Running   0          20d
    klusterlet-work-agent-7d47f4b5c5-dnkqw           1/1     Running   0          20d

2 - Distribute workload with placement selected managed clusters

The Placement API is used to dynamically select a set of ManagedCluster in one or multiple ManagedClusterSets so that the workloads can be deployed to these clusters.

If you define a valid Placement, the placement controller generates a corresponding PlacementDecision with the selected clusters listed in the status. As an end-user, you can parse the selected clusters and then operate on the target clusters. You can also integrate a high-level workload orchestrator with the PlacementDecision to leverage its scheduling capabilities.

For example, with OCM addon policy installed, a Policy that includes a Placement mapping can distribute the Policy to the managed clusters. For details see this example.

Some popular open source projects also integrate with the Placement API. For example Argo CD, it can leverage the generated PlacementDecision to drive the assignment of Argo CD Applications to a desired set of clusters, details see this example. And KubeVela, as an implementation of the open application model, also will take advantage of the Placement API for workload scheduling.

And in this article, we want to show you how to use clusteradm to deploy ManifestWork to Placement selected clusters.


Before starting with the following steps, suggest you understand the content below.

  • Placement: The Placement API is used to dynamically select a set of ManagedCluster in one or multiple ManagedClusterSets so that higher-level users can either replicate Kubernetes resources to the member clusters or run their advanced workload i.e. multi-cluster scheduling.

  • ManifestWork: A custom resource in the hub cluster that groups a list of Kubernetes resources together and is meant for dispatching them into the managed cluster if the ManifestWork is created in a valid cluster namespace.

Deploy manifestwork to placement selected managed clusters

In deploy Kubernetes resources to the managed clusters, it shows you how to use clusteradm to create a ManifestWork and deploy it onto a specific managed clusters. As Placement can dynamically select a set of ManagedCluster, the next steps will show you how clusteradm leverages placement scheduling ability and dynamically deploy ManifestWork to a set of managed clusters.

  1. Following setup dev environment by kind to prepare an environment.

    curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-cluster-management-io/OCM/main/solutions/setup-dev-environment/local-up.sh | bash
  2. Confirm there are 2 ManagedCluster and a default ManagedClusterSet created.

    $ clusteradm get clusters
    cluster1   true       True        default      24    49265496Ki   v1.23.4
    cluster2   true       True        default      24    49265496Ki   v1.23.4
    $ clusteradm get clustersets
    default                      2 ManagedClusters selected
  3. Bind the default ManagedClusterSet to default Namespace.

    clusteradm clusterset bind default --namespace default
    $ clusteradm get clustersets
    default   default            2 ManagedClusters selected

    Note: click here to see more details about how to operate ManagedClusterSet using clusteradm.

  4. Create a Placement placement1 to select the two clusters in default ManagedClusterSet.

    cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
    apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
    kind: Placement
      name: placement1
      namespace: default
      numberOfClusters: 2
        - default
  5. Use clusteradm command to create ManifestWork my-first-work with Placement placement1.

    clusteradm create work my-first-work -f work.yaml --placement default/placement1

    The work.yaml contains kubernetes resource definitions, for sample:

    $ cat work.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      namespace: default
      name: my-sa
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      namespace: default
      name: nginx-deployment
        app: nginx
      replicas: 3
          app: nginx
            app: nginx
          serviceAccountName: my-sa
            - name: nginx
              image: nginx:1.14.2
                - containerPort: 80
  6. Check the ManifestWork, it should be distributed to both cluster1 and cluster2.

    $ kubectl get manifestwork -A
    NAMESPACE   NAME            AGE
    cluster1    my-first-work   28s
    cluster2    my-first-work   28s
  7. Update the Placement placement1 to select only one managed cluster.

    kubectl patch placement placement1 --patch '{"spec": {"clusterSets": ["default"],"numberOfClusters": 1}}' --type=merge
  8. As the placement decision changes, running below command to reschedule ManifestWork my-first-work to the newly selected cluster.

    clusteradm create work my-first-work -f work.yaml --placement default/placement1 --overwrite
  9. Check the ManifestWork again, now it’s only deployed to cluster1.

    $ kubectl get manifestwork -A
    NAMESPACE   NAME            AGE
    cluster1    my-first-work   18m

What happens behind the scene

The main idea is that clusteradm parse the selected clusters generated by Placement, and fill in that as ManifestWork namespace. Then create the ManifestWork and it would be distributed to a set of clusters. Let’s see more details.

  1. Placement placement1 generates a PlacementDecision placement1-decision-1.

    $ kubectl get placementdecision -n default -l cluster.open-cluster-management.io/placement=placement1 -oyaml
    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
      kind: PlacementDecision
        creationTimestamp: "2022-07-06T15:03:12Z"
        generation: 1
          cluster.open-cluster-management.io/placement: placement1
        name: placement1-decision-1
        namespace: default
        - apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
          blockOwnerDeletion: true
          controller: true
          kind: Placement
          name: placement1
          uid: aa339f57-0eb7-4260-8d4d-f30c1379fd35
        resourceVersion: "47679"
        uid: 9f948619-1647-429d-894d-81e11dd8bcf1
        - clusterName: cluster1
          reason: ""
        - clusterName: cluster2
          reason: ""
    kind: List
      resourceVersion: ""
      selfLink: ""
  2. clusteradm get the PlacementDecision generated by Placement placement1 with label cluster.open-cluster-management.io/placement: placement1, reference code. Then parse the clusterName cluster1 and cluster2, fill in that as ManifestWork namespace, reference code. Then installs ManifestWork to namespace cluster1 and cluster2, which will finally be distributed to the two clusters.

    $ kubectl get manifestwork -A
    NAMESPACE   NAME            AGE
    cluster1    my-first-work   28s
    cluster2    my-first-work   28s

3 - Extend the multicluster scheduling capabilities with placement

The Placement API is used to dynamically select a set of ManagedCluster in one or multiple ManagedClusterSets so that the workloads can be deployed to these clusters. You can use placement to filter clusters by label or claim selector, also placement provides some default prioritizers which can be used to sort and select the most suitable clusters.

One of the default prioritizers are ResourceAllocatableCPU and ResourceAllocatableMemory. They provide the capability to sort clusters based on the allocatable CPU and memory. However, when considering the resource based scheduling, there’s a gap that the cluster’s “AllocatableCPU” and “AllocatableMemory” are static values that won’t change even if “the cluster is running out of resources”. And in some cases, the prioritizer needs more extra data to calculate the score of the managed cluster. For example, there is a requirement to schedule based on resource monitoring data from the cluster. For this reason, we need a more extensible way to support scheduling based on customized scores.

What is Placement extensible scheduling?

OCM placement introduces an API AddOnPlacementScore to support scheduling based on customized scores. This API supports storing the customized scores and being used by placement. Details of the API’s definition refer to types_addonplacementscore.go. An example of AddOnPlacementScore is as below.

apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1alpha1
kind: AddOnPlacementScore
  name: default
  namespace: cluster1
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-10-28T08:31:39Z"
    message: AddOnPlacementScore updated successfully
    reason: AddOnPlacementScoreUpdated
    status: "True"
    type: AddOnPlacementScoreUpdated
  validUntil: "2021-10-29T18:31:39Z"
  - name: "cpuAvailable"
    value: 66
  - name: "memAvailable"
    value: 55
  • conditions. Conditions contain the different condition statuses for this AddOnPlacementScore.
  • validUntil. ValidUntil defines the valid time of the scores. After this time, the scores are considered to be invalid by placement. nil means never expire. The controller owning this resource should keep the scores up-to-date.
  • scores. Scores contain a list of score names and values of this managed cluster. In the above example, the API contains a list of customized scores: cpuAvailable and memAvailable.

All the customized scores information is stored in status, as we don’t expect end users to update it.

  • As a score provider, a 3rd party controller could run on either hub or managed cluster, to maintain the lifecycle of AddOnPlacementScore and update the score into the status.
  • As an end user, you need to know the resource name “default” and customized score name “cpuAvailable"and “memAvailable” , so you can specify the name in placement yaml to select clusters. For example, the below placement wants to select the top 3 clusters with the highest cpuAvailable score.
    apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
    kind: Placement
      name: placement
      namespace: ns1
      numberOfClusters: 3
        mode: Exact
          - scoreCoordinate:
              type: AddOn
                resourceName: default
                scoreName: cpuAvailable
            weight: 1
  • In placement, if the end-user defines the scoreCoordinate type as AddOn, the placement controller will get the AddOnPlacementScore resource with the name “default” in each cluster’s namespace, read score “cpuAvailable” in the score list, and use that score to sort clusters.

You can refer to the enhancements to learn more details about the design. In the design, how to maintain the lifecycle (create/update/delete) of the AddOnPlacementScore CRs is not covered, as we expect the customized score provider itself to manage it. In this article, we will use an example to show you how to implement a 3rd part controller to update your own scores and extend the multiple clusters scheduling capability with your own scores.

How to implement a customized score provider

The example code is in GitHub repo resource-usage-collect-addon. It provides the score of the cluster’s available CPU and available memory, which can reflect the cluster’s real-time resource utilization. It is developed with OCM addon-framework and can be installed as an addon plugin to update customized scores into AddOnPlacementScore. (This article won’t talk many details about addon-framework, referring to Add-on Developer Guide to learn how to develop an addon.)

The resource-usage-collect addon follows the hub-agent architecture as below.

Security model

The resource-usage-collect addon contains a controller and an agent.

  • On the hub cluster, the resource-usage-collect-controller is running. It is responsible for creating the ManifestWork for resource-usage-collect-agent in each cluster namespace.
  • On each managed cluster, the work agent watches the ManifestWork and installs the resource-usage-collect-agent on each cluster. The resource-usage-collect-agent is the core part of this addon, it creates the AddonPlacementScore for each cluster on the Hub cluster, and refreshes the scores and validUntil every 60 seconds.

When the AddonPlacementScore is ready, the end user can specify the customized core in a placement to select clusters.

The working flow and logic of resource-usage-collect addon are quite easy to understand. Now let’s follow the below steps to get started!

Prepare an OCM environment with 2 ManagedClusters.

  1. Following setup dev environment by kind to prepare an environment.
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-cluster-management-io/OCM/main/solutions/setup-dev-environment/local-up.sh | bash
  1. Confirm there are 2 ManagedCluster and a default ManagedClusterSet created.
$ clusteradm get clusters
cluster1   true       True        default      24    49265496Ki   v1.23.4
cluster2   true       True        default      24    49265496Ki   v1.23.4

$ clusteradm get clustersets
default                      2 ManagedClusters selected
  1. Bind the default ManagedClusterSet to default Namespace.
clusteradm clusterset bind default --namespace default
$ clusteradm get clustersets
default   default            2 ManagedClusters selected

Install the resource-usage-collect addon.

  1. Git clone the source code.
git clone git@github.com:open-cluster-management-io/addon-contrib.git
cd addon-contrib/resource-usage-collect-addon
  1. Prepare the image.
# Set image name, this is an optional step.
export IMAGE_NAME=quay.io/haoqing/resource-usage-collect-addon:latest
# Build image
make images

If your are using kind, load image into kind cluster.

kind load docker-image $IMAGE_NAME --name <cluster_name> # kind load docker-image $IMAGE_NAME --name hub
  1. Deploy the resource-usage-collect addon.
make deploy
  1. Verify the installation.

On the hub cluster, verify the resource-usage-collect-controller pod is running.

$ kubectl get pods -n open-cluster-management | grep resource-usage-collect-controller
resource-usage-collect-controller-55c58bbc5-t45dh   1/1     Running   0          71s

On the hub cluster, verify the AddonPlacementScore is generated for each managed cluster.

$ kubectl get addonplacementscore -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                   AGE
cluster1    resource-usage-score   3m23s
cluster2    resource-usage-score   3m24s

The AddonPlacementScore status should contain a list of scores as below.

$ kubectl get addonplacementscore -n cluster1 resource-usage-score -oyaml
apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1alpha1
kind: AddOnPlacementScore
  creationTimestamp: "2022-08-08T06:46:04Z"
  generation: 1
  name: resource-usage-score
  namespace: cluster1
  resourceVersion: "3907"
  uid: 6c4280e4-38be-4d45-9c73-c18c84799781
  - name: cpuAvailable
    value: 12
  - name: memAvailable
    value: 4

If AddonPlacementScore is not created or there are no scores in the status, go into the managed cluster, and check if the resource-usage-collect-agent pod is running well.

$ kubectl get pods -n default | grep resource-usage-collect-agent
resource-usage-collect-agent-5b85cbf848-g5kqm   1/1     Running   0          2m

Select clusters with the customized scores.

If everything is running well, now you can try to create placement and select clusters with the customized scores.

  1. Create a placement to select 1 cluster with the highest cpuAvailable score.
cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
kind: Placement
  name: placement1
  namespace: default
  numberOfClusters: 1
    - default
    mode: Exact
      - scoreCoordinate:
          type: AddOn
            resourceName: resource-usage-score
            scoreName: cpuAvailable
        weight: 1
  1. Verify the placement decision.
$ kubectl describe placementdecision -n default | grep Status -A 3
    Cluster Name:  cluster1

Cluster1 is selected by PlacementDecision.

Running below command to get the customized score in AddonPlacementScore and the cluster score set by Placement. You can see that the “cpuAvailable” score is 12 in AddonPlacementScore, and this value is also the cluster score in Placement events, this indicates that placement is using the customized score to select clusters.

$ kubectl get addonplacementscore -A -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{"\t"}{.status.scores}{"\n"}{end}'
cluster1        [{"name":"cpuAvailable","value":12},{"name":"memAvailable","value":4}]
cluster2        [{"name":"cpuAvailable","value":12},{"name":"memAvailable","value":4}]
$ kubectl describe placement -n default placement1 | grep Events -A 10
  Type    Reason          Age   From                 Message
  ----    ------          ----  ----                 -------
  Normal  DecisionCreate  50s   placementController  Decision placement1-decision-1 is created with placement placement1 in namespace default
  Normal  DecisionUpdate  50s   placementController  Decision placement1-decision-1 is updated with placement placement1 in namespace default
  Normal  ScoreUpdate     50s   placementController  cluster1:12 cluster2:12

Now you know how to install the resource-usage-collect addon and consume the customized score to select clusters. Next, let’s take a deeper look into some key points when you consider implementing a customized score provider.

1. Where to run the customized score provider

The customized score provider could run on either hub or managed cluster. Combined with user stories, you should be able to distinguish whether the controller should be placed in a hub or a managed cluster.

In our example, the customized score provider is developed with addon-famework, it follows the hub-agent architecture. The resource-usage-collect-agent is the real score provider, it is installed on each managed cluster, it gets the available CPU and memory of the managed cluster, calculates a score, and updates it into AddonPlacementScore. The resource-usage-collect-controller just takes care of installing the agent.

In other cases, for example, if you want to use the metrics from Thanos to calculate a score for each cluster, then the customized score provider only needs to be placed on the hub, as Thanos has all the metrics collected from each managed cluster.

2. How to maintain the AddOnPlacementScore CR lifecycle

In our example, the code to maintain the AddOnPlacementScore CR is in pkg/addon/agent/agent.go.

  • When should the score be created?

    The AddOnPlacementScore CR can be created with the existence of a ManagedCluster, or on demand for the purpose of reducing objects on the hub.

    In our example, the addon creates an AddOnPlacementScore for each Managed Cluster if it does not exist, and a score will be calculated when creating the CR for the first time.

  • When should the score be updated?

    We recommend that you set ValidUntil when updating the score so that the placement controller can know if the score is still valid in case it failed to update for a long time.

    The score could be updated when your monitoring data changes, or at least you need to update it before it expires.

    In our example, in addition to recalculate and update the score every 60 seconds, the update will also be triggered when the node or pod resource in the managed cluster changes.

3. How to calculate the score

The code to calculate the score is in pkg/addon/agent/calculate.go. A valid score must be in the range -100 to 100, you need to normalize the scores before updating it into AddOnPlacementScore.

When normalizing the score, you might meet the below cases.

  • The score provider knows the max and min value of the customized scores.

    In this case, it is easy to achieve smooth mapping by formula. Suppose the actual value is X, and X is in the interval [min, max], then score = 200 * (x - min) / (max - min) - 100 .

  • The score provider doesn’t know the max and min value of the customized scores.

    In this case, you need to set a maximum and minimum value by yourself, as without a max and min value, is unachievable to map a single value X to the range [-100, 100].

    Then when the X is greater than this maximum value, the cluster can be considered healthy enough to deploy applications, and the score can be set as 100. And if X is less than the minimum value, the score can be set as -100.

    if X >= max
      score = 100
    if X <= min
      score = -100

In our example, the resource-usage-collect-agent running on each managed cluster doesn’t have a whole picture view to know the max/min value of CPU/memory usage of all the clusters, so we manually set the max value as MAXCPUCOUNT and MAXMEMCOUNT in code, min value is set as 0. The score calculation formula can be simplified: score = x / max * 100.


In this article, we introduced what is the placement extensible scheduling and used an example to show how to implement a customized score provider. Also, this article list 3 key points the developer needs to consider when implementing a 3rd party score provider. Hope after reading this article, you can have a clear view of how placement extensible scheduling can help you extend the multicluster scheduling capabilities.

Feel free to raise your question in the Open-cluster-management-io GitHub community or contact us using Slack.

4 - Extending managed clusters with custom attributes

Under some cases we need a convenient way to extend OCM’s Managed Cluster data model so that our own custom multi-cluster system can easily work over the OCM’s native cluster api otherwise we will have to maintain an additional Kubernetes’ CustomResourceDefinition in the project. OCM definitely supports developers to decorate the cluster api with minimal effort, and in the following content we will walk through that briefly.

The original cluster model in OCM “Managed Cluster” is designed to be a neat and light-weight placeholder resource of which the spec doesn’t require any additional information other than “whether the cluster is accepted or not” i.e. .spec.hubAcceptsClient, and all the other fields in the spec are totally optional, e.g. .spec.managedClusterClientConfigs is only required until we install some addons that replying on that information.

Overall in OCM we can decorate the original cluster model with custom attributes in the following approaches:

  • Label: The common label primitive in terms of a Kubernetes resource.
  • Cluster Claim: A custom resource available inside the managed cluster which will be consistently reported to the hub cluster.

Labeling managed cluster

Any kubernetes resource can be attached with labels in the metadata in the form of:

    <domain name>/<label name>: <label string value>

However, there’re some restrictions to the label value such as the content length, and legal charset etc, so it’s not convenient to put some structuralized or comprehensive data in the label value.

Additionally, due to the fact that the finest granularity of authorization mechanism in Kubernetes is “resource”, so it’s also not convenient for us to protect these extended labels from unexpected modification unless intercepting the writes the “Managed Cluster” with an admission webhook which brings additional costs in cluster administration and operation. So generally it’s recommended to put those immutable or static attributes (that doesn’t frequently change over time) such as:

  • data-center information
  • network infrastructure information
  • geography attributes like cluster’s region

Last but not least, it’s generally not recommended to grant permission to the managed cluster to update non-status fields on the “Managed Cluster” so these custom attributes in labels should only be manipulated by hub cluster admins/operators. If you are looking for a way to make the local agents in the managed clusters to be capable of reporting attributes in a “bottom-up” pattern, go ahead read the “Cluster Claim” section below.

Decorating managed cluster with cluster claim

The cluster claim is a cluster-scoped custom resource working from the managed clusters and proactively projecting custom attributes towards the hub cluster’s “Managed Cluster” model. Note that the hub cluster is not supposed to make any direct modification upon the projected claims on the “ManagedCluster”, i.e. read-only to the hub cluster.

A sample of cluster claim will be like:

apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: id.open-cluster-management.io
  value: 95f91f25-d7a2-4fc3-9237-2ef633d8451c

After applying the cluster claim above to any managed cluster, the value of the claims will be instantly reflected in the cluster model. e.g.:

apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: ManagedCluster
metadata: ...
spec: ...
    - name: id.open-cluster-management.io
      value: 95f91f25-d7a2-4fc3-9237-2ef633d8451c

And any future updates upon the claim will also be reported from the registration agent to the hub cluster.

The claims are useful if we want the hub cluster to perform different actions or behaviors reactively based on the feedback of reported values. They’re typically applicable to describe the information that changes in the managed cluster frequently. e.g.:

  • aggregated resource information (node counts, pod counts)
  • cluster resource watermark/budget
  • any cluster-scoped knowledge of the managed cluster…


After extending your “Managed Cluster” with customized attributes, now we can try the advanced cluster selection using the placement policies, which is provided ny another module of OCM helpful for building your own advanced multi-cluster systems.

5 - Integration with Argo CD

Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool, which allows developers to define and control deployment of Kubernetes application resources from within their existing Git workflow. By integrating Open Cluster Management (OCM) with Argo CD, it enables both automation and greater flexibility managing Argo CD Applications across a large number of OCM managed clusters.

In this article, we want to show you how to integrate Argo CD with OCM and deploy application to OCM managed clusters by leveraging the Placement API, which supports multi-cluster scheduling.

Before starting with the following steps, we suggest you understand the content below:

The first half of the KubeCon NA 2022 - OCM Multicluster App & Config Management also covers the integration with ArgoCD.

How it works

How it works

1. Import Kubernetes clusters to the OCM hub as managed clusters and organize them with managed clustersets.

2. Register the OCM managed clusters to ArgoCD.

The OCM managed clusters can be registered to Argo CD one by one manually by using Argo CD CLI. It may take time to finish it if there are a large number of clusters. In order to make the cluster registration easier, consider to use multicloud-integrations to automate the procedure.

3. Create a configuration of Cluster Decision Resource generator by using OCM Placement API.

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: ocm-placement-generator
  namespace: argocd
  apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
  kind: placementdecisions
  statusListKey: decisions
  matchKey: clusterName

With reference to this generator, an ApplicationSet can target the application to the clusters listed in the status of a set of PlacementDecision, which belong to a certain Placement.

4. Grant Argo CD permissions to access OCM resources.

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  name: ocm-placement-consumer
  namespace: argocd
- apiGroups: ["cluster.open-cluster-management.io"]
  resources: ["placementdecisions"]
  verbs: ["get", "list"]

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: ocm-placement-consumer:argocd
  namespace: argocd
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: Role
  name: ocm-placement-consumer
- kind: ServiceAccount
  namespace: argocd
  name: argocd-applicationset-controller

5. Bind at least one managed clusterset to the argocd namespace.

For example, in order to bind the global managed clusterset to the argocd namespace, the user must have an RBAC rule to create on the virtual subresource of managedclustersets/bind of the global managed clusterset.

clusteradm clusterset bind global --namespace argocd

The above command will create a ManagedClusterSetBinding resource in the argocd namespace. Normally, it should not be included by an application in the git repo because applying it to a Kubernetes cluster needs additional permissions.

6. Create a placement in the argocd namespace to select some managed clusters.

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
kind: Placement
  name: guestbook-app-placement
  namespace: argocd
  numberOfClusters: 10

7. Create an ApplicationSet in the argocd namespace.

The ApplicationSet has references to the Cluster Decision Resource generator previously created and placement. This will help Argo CD to determine where the application should be deployed. The managed clusters selected by the referenced placement may be changed dynamically. By setting requeueAfterSeconds of the generator in the ApplicationSet spec, the Argo CD will check the cluster decisions of the referenced placement periodically and ensure the application is deployed to the correct managed clusters.

cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: ApplicationSet
  name: guestbook-app
  namespace: argocd
    - clusterDecisionResource:
        configMapRef: ocm-placement-generator
            cluster.open-cluster-management.io/placement: guestbook-app-placement
        requeueAfterSeconds: 30
      name: '{{clusterName}}-guestbook-app'
      project: default
        repoURL: 'https://github.com/argoproj/argocd-example-apps.git'
        targetRevision: HEAD
        path: guestbook
        name: '{{clusterName}}'
        namespace: guestbook
          prune: true
          - CreateNamespace=true

8. Check the status of the ApplicationSet and the Application.

Confirm the ApplicationSet is created and an Application is generated for each selected managed cluster.

$ kubectl -n argocd get applicationsets
NAME            AGE
guestbook-app   4s

$ kubectl -n argocd get applications
NAME                     SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
cluster1-guestbook-app   Synced        Progressing
cluster2-guestbook-app   Synced        Progressing

And on each selected managed cluster confirm the Application is running.

$ kubectl -n guestbook get pods
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
guestbook-ui-6b689986f-cdrk8   1/1     Running   0          112s

What’s next

To build an OCM environment integrated with Argo CD with KinD clusters, see Deploy applications with Argo CD for more details.

6 - Manage a cluster with multiple hubs

Normally an Open Cluster Management (OCM) hub manages multiple managed clusters and a cluster only registers to one OCM hub. While there might be some user scenarios, where a single cluster may want to join more than one OCM hub as a managed cluster, including:

  • In an organization, each department may setup an OCM hub to manage clusters owned by this department, and all clusters are managed by a central OCM hub owned by IT department to enforce organization wide security policies.
  • A service provider creates clusters for customers. The underlying system of the service provider uses OCM hubs to manage all the clusters. Once customer gets a cluster from the service provider, they may also want to manage this cluster with customer’s OCM hub.

This document shows how to achieve it with OCM.

Since the OCM agent is hub specific, that means an agent can connect to only one hub. In order to connect to multiple hubs, each hub should have its own agent running. Depdends on where the agent is running, there are two solutions:

  • Run all agents on the managed cluster;
  • Run the agents in the hosted mode on the hosting clusters;

Run all the agents on the managed cluster

Since there are multiple OCM agents are running on the managed cluster, each of them must have an unique agent namespace. So only one agent can be deployed in the default agent namespace open-cluster-management-agent.

multiple hubs

With this architecture, the managed cluster needs more resources, including CPUs and memory, to run agents for multiple hubs. And it’s a challenge to handle the version skew of the OCM hubs.

An example built with kind and clusteradm can be found in Manage a cluster with multiple hubs.

Run the agents in the hosted mode on the hosting clusters

By leveraging the hosted deployment mode, it’s possible to run OCM agent outside of the managed cluster on a hosing cluster. The hosting cluster could be a managed cluster of the same hub.

multiple hubs in hosted mode

At most one agent can runs in the default mode on the managed cluster in this solution.

multiple hubs in hosted mode

In order to reduce the number of the hosting clusters, agents running in the hosted mode can share the hosting clusters.

multiple hubs in hosted mode

With this architecture, the managed cluster itself needs less resources because at most one agent runs on the managed cluster, while it needs at least one extra cluster as hosting cluster. Since each agent could run on different cluster (managed cluster or hosting cluster), it will not result in any problem if OCM hubs have different versions.

An example built with kind and clusteradm can be found in Manage a cluster with multiple hubs in hosted mode.

7 - Migrate workload with placement

The Placement API is used to dynamically select a set of ManagedCluster in one or multiple ManagedClusterSets so that the workloads can be deployed to these clusters.

If you define a valid Placement, the placement controller generates a corresponding PlacementDecision with the selected clusters listed in the status. As an end-user, you can parse the selected clusters and then operate on the target clusters. You can also integrate a high-level workload orchestrator with the PlacementDecision to leverage its scheduling capabilities.

For example, with OCM addon policy installed, a Policy that includes a Placement mapping can distribute the Policy to the managed clusters. For details see this example.

Some popular open source projects also integrate with the Placement API. For example Argo CD, it can leverage the generated PlacementDecision to drive the assignment of Argo CD Applications to a desired set of clusters, details see this example. And KubeVela, as an implementation of the open application model, also will take advantage of the Placement API for workload scheduling.

In this article, we use ArgoCD pull model as an example to demonstrate how, with the integration of OCM, you can migrate ArgoCD Applications among clusters. This is useful for scenarios such as application disaster recovery or application migration during cluster maintenance.


Before starting with the following steps, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the content below.

  • Taints of ManagedClusters: Taints are properties of ManagedClusters, they allow a Placement to repel a set of ManagedClusters.

  • Tolerations of Placement: Tolerations are applied to Placements, and allow Placements to select ManagedClusters with matching taints.

  • ArgoCD Pull Model Integration: The ArgoCD application controller uses the hub-spoke pattern or pull model mechanism for decentralized resource delivery to remote clusters. By using Open Cluster Management (OCM) APIs and components, the ArgoCD Applications will be pulled from the multi-cluster control plane hub cluster down to the registered OCM managed clusters

Setup the environment

Follow the deploy ArgoCD pull model steps to set up an environment with OCM and ArgoCD pull model installed.

If the above steps run successfully, on the hub cluster, you could see the application is deployed to both cluster1 and cluster2.

$ kubectl -n argocd get app
NAME                     SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
cluster1-guestbook-app   Synced        Healthy
cluster2-guestbook-app   Synced        Healthy

Migrate application to another cluster automatically when one cluster is down

  1. To demonstrate how an application can be migrated to another cluster, let’s first deploy the application in a single cluster.

    Path the existing Placement to select only one cluster.

    $ kubectl patch placement -n argocd guestbook-app-placement --patch '{"spec": {"numberOfClusters": 1}}' --type=merge
    placement.cluster.open-cluster-management.io/guestbook-app-placement patched

    Use clusteradm to check the placement of selected clusters.

    $ clusteradm get placements -otable
    NAME                      STATUS   REASON              SELETEDCLUSTERS
    guestbook-app-placement   False    Succeedconfigured   [cluster1]
  2. Confirm the application is only deployed to cluster1.

    $ kubectl -n argocd get app
    NAME                     SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
    cluster1-guestbook-app   Synced        Healthy
  3. Pause the cluster1 to simulate a cluster going down.

    Use docker ps -a to get the cluster1 container ID.

    $ docker ps -a
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                  COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                       NAMES
    499812ada5bd   kindest/node:v1.25.3   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   9 hours ago   Up 9 hours>6443/tcp   cluster2-control-plane
    0b9d110e1a1f   kindest/node:v1.25.3   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   9 hours ago   Up 9 hours>6443/tcp   cluster1-control-plane
    0a327d4a5b41   kindest/node:v1.25.3   "/usr/local/bin/entr…"   9 hours ago   Up 9 hours>6443/tcp   hub-control-plane

    Use docker pause to pause the cluster1.

    $ docker pause 0b9d110e1a1f
  4. Wait for a few minutes, check the ManagedCluster status, cluster1 available status should become “Unknown”.

    $ kubectl get managedcluster
    cluster1   true           https://cluster1-control-plane:6443   True     Unknown     9h
    cluster2   true           https://cluster2-control-plane:6443   True     True        9h

    Use clusteradm to check the placement of selected clusters.

    $ clusteradm get placements -otable
    NAME                      STATUS   REASON              SELETEDCLUSTERS
    guestbook-app-placement   False    Succeedconfigured   [cluster2]
  5. Confirm the application is now deployed to cluster2.

    $ kubectl -n argocd get app
    NAME                     SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
    cluster2-guestbook-app   Synced        Healthy

What happens behind the scene

Refer to Taints of ManagedClusters, when pausing cluster1, the status of condition ManagedClusterConditionAvailable becomes Unknown. The taint cluster.open-cluster-management.io/unreachable is automatically added to cluster1, with the effect NoSelect and an empty value.

$ kubectl get managedcluster cluster1 -oyaml
apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: ManagedCluster
  name: cluster1
    cluster.open-cluster-management.io/clusterset: default
  - effect: NoSelect
    key: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/unreachable
    timeAdded: "2023-11-13T16:26:16Z"

Since the Placement guestbook-app-placement doesn’t define any toleration to match the taint, cluster1 will be filtered from the decision. In the demo environment, once cluster1 is down, placement will select one cluster from the rest clusters, which is cluster2.

Taints of ManagedClusters also describes other scenarios where taints are automatically added. In some scenarios you may not want to migrate the application immediately when a taint is added, with placement TolerationSeconds defined, it could tolerates the taint for a period of time before repelling it. In above example, the TolerationSeconds could be defined as below:

apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1
kind: Placement
  name: guestbook-app-placement
  namespace: argocd
  numberOfClusters: 1
    - key: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/unreachable
      operator: Exists
      tolerationSeconds: 300

tolerationSeconds is 300 means that the application will be migrated to cluster2 after 5 minutes when cluster1 is down.

Migrate application to another cluster manually for cluster maintenance

The above example shows how a taint is automatically added to a cluster and how the application is migrated to another cluster. You can also choose to add a taint manually and repel the application to other clusters.

In the following example, suppose you are going to maintain cluster2, and want to repel the application to cluster1.

  1. Before starting, let’s first restart the paused cluster1.

    Use docker restart to restart the cluster1.

    $ docker restart 0b9d110e1a1f

    Wait for a few minutes, check the ManagedCluster status, cluster1 available status should become “True”.

    $ kubectl get managedcluster
    cluster1   true           https://cluster1-control-plane:6443   True     True        9h
    cluster2   true           https://cluster2-control-plane:6443   True     True        9h
  2. Add the taint maintenance to cluster2 manually.

    $ kubectl patch managedcluster cluster2 -p '{"spec":{"taints":[{"effect":"NoSelect","key":"maintenance"}]}}' --type=merge
    managedcluster.cluster.open-cluster-management.io/cluster2 patched
  3. Use clusteradm to check the placement selected clusters.

    $ clusteradm get placements -otable
    NAME                      STATUS   REASON              SELETEDCLUSTERS
    guestbook-app-placement   False    Succeedconfigured   [cluster1]
  4. Confirm the application is now deployed to cluster1.

    $ kubectl -n argocd get app
    NAME                     SYNC STATUS   HEALTH STATUS
    cluster1-guestbook-app   Synced        Healthy


In this article, we use the ArgoCD pull model in OCM as an example, showing you how to migrate the ArgoCD applications automatically or manually when the cluster is down or during the cluster maintenance time.

The concept of Taints and Tolerations can be used for any components that consume OCM Placement, such as add-ons and ManifestworkReplicaSet. If you have any questions, feel free to raise them in our slack channel.

8 - Pushing Kubernetes API requests to the managed clusters

By following the instructions in this document, an OCM hub admin will be able to “push” Kubernetes API requests to the managed clusters. The benefit of using this method for “pushing” requests in OCM is that we don’t need to explicitly configure any API endpoint for the managed clusters or provide any client credentials as preparation. We just need to enable/install the following OCM addons:

  • Cluster-Proxy: Setting up the konnectivity tunnels between the hub cluster and the managed clusters so the hub cluster can connect/access the managed cluster from anywhere.
  • Managed-ServiceAccount: Automating the lifecycle of the local service account in the managed clusters and projecting the tokens back to the hub cluster so that the Kubernetes API clients from the hub can make authenticated requests.
  • Cluster-Gateway: An aggregated apiserver providing a “proxy” subresource which helps the hub admin to gracefully access the managed clusters by standard Kubernetes API calls (including long-running calls).


You must meet the following prerequisites to install the managed service account:

  • Ensure your open-cluster-management release is greater than v0.5.0.
  • Ensure kubectl is installed.
  • Ensure helm is installed.


Adding helm chart repo

Making sure the following OCM addons are discovered by your helm environment:

$ helm repo add ocm https://open-cluster-management.io/helm-charts
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo ocm
NAME                             	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION	DESCRIPTION                                   
ocm/cluster-gateway-addon-manager	1.3.2       	1.0.0      	A Helm chart for Cluster-Gateway Addon-Manager
ocm/cluster-proxy                	0.2.0        	1.0.0      	A Helm chart for Cluster-Proxy OCM Addon      
ocm/managed-serviceaccount       	0.2.0        	1.0.0      	A Helm chart for Managed ServiceAccount Addon 

Install the OCM addons

By the following helm commands to install the addons:

$ helm -n open-cluster-management-addon install cluster-proxy ocm/cluster-proxy
$ helm -n open-cluster-management-addon install managed-serviceaccount ocm/managed-serviceaccount
$ helm -n open-cluster-management-addon install cluster-gateway ocm/cluster-gateway-addon-manager  \
    # Delegating for secret discovery to "managed-serviceaccount" addon.                           \
    # Skip the option for manual secret management.                                                \
    --set manualSecretManagement=false                                                             \
    # Enabling konnectivity tunnels via "cluster-proxy" addon.                                     \
    # Skip the option if the hub cluster and the managed clusters are already mutually accessible. \
    --set konnectivityEgress=true

Confirm addon installation

The commands above installs the addon manager into the hub cluster, and the manager will creating ManagedClusterAddOn automatically into the cluster namespaces representing the addon is plumbed into the managed cluster. In order to check their status, run:

$ kubectl get managedclusteraddon -A
managed1    cluster-gateway          True
managed1    cluster-proxy            True                   
managed1    managed-serviceaccount   True 

Furthermore, after the addons are all deployed successfully, the hub admin will be able to see a new resource named ClusterGateway registered into the hub cluster:

$ kubectl get clustergateway
managed1              ServiceAccountToken   ClusterProxy


Now the gateway is ready for proxying your requests to the managed clusters dynamically. The easiest way to verify if the proxying framework is working is to run the following command:

$ export CLUSTER_NAME=managed1 # Or any other valid managed cluster name
$ kubectl get --raw="/apis/cluster.core.oam.dev/v1alpha1/clustergateways/${CLUSTER_NAME}/proxy/healthz"

Another nice feature is that you can also easily convert the kubeconfig of the hub cluster into a managed cluster’s kubeconfig by adding the api suffix to the cluster endpoint in your kubeconfig:

$ # Copy and edit your original hub kubeconfig into e.g. managed1.kubeconfig
apiVersion: v1
---    server: https://x.x.x.x
+++    server: https://x.x.x.x/apis/cluster.core.oam.dev/v1alpha1/clustergateways/${CLUSTER_NAME}/proxy

Then we can access the managed cluster directly via kubectl with the tweaked kubeconfig:

$ KUBECONFIG=managed1.kubeconfig kubectl get ns

However upon your first-time installation, you may encounter the RBAC restriction message such as:

Error from server (Forbidden): namespaces is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:open-cluster-management-managed-serviceaccount:cluster-gateway" cannot list resource "namespaces" in API group "" at the cluster scope

That is because we haven’t set up proper RBAC permissions for the egress service account managed by the ManagedServiceAccount yet. After granting sufficient permissions for the service account in the managed clusters, you will be able to freely operate the managed cluster from the hub without asking for any credential or kubeconfig from the managed clusters. Note that the service account is also periodically rotated by the addons so there’s no need to worry in sustainable credential management.


Overall, the following picture of architecture reveals the internal technique of the request “pushing” framework in the OCM:

Cluster proxy architecture

With the help of the framework, we can easily develop a web service or an operator that runs in the hub cluster and is able to access to the managed clusters through the gateway. Note that it’s generally not recommended to list-watch the managed clusters from the hub because it’s in a sense violating the original philosophy of “pull” or “hub-agent” architecture of OCM. In order to coordinate the hub cluster and the managed clusters in your custom system, consider build your own OCM addon based on the addon-framework which provides you utilities for further customization.

9 - Register a cluster to hub through proxy server

When registering a cluster to an Open Cluster Management (OCM) hub, there is a network requirement for the managed cluster. It must be able to reach the hub cluster. Sometimes the managed cluster cannot directly connect to the hub cluster. For example, the hub cluster is in a public cloud, and the managed cluster is in a private cloud environment behind firewalls. The communications out of the private cloud can only go through a HTTP or HTTPS proxy server.

In this scenario, you need to configure the proxy settings to allow the communications from the managed cluster to access the hub cluster through a forward proxy server.

Klusterlet proxy settings

During the cluster registration, a bootstrap kubeconfig is required by the Klusterlet agent running on the managed cluster to connect to the hub cluster. When the agent accesses the hub cluster through a proxy server, the URL of the proxy server should be specified in cluster.proxy-url of the bootstrap kubeconfig. If a HTTPS proxy server is used, the proxy CA certificate should be appended to cluster.certificate-authority-data of the bootstrap kubeconfig as well.

apiVersion: v1
  - cluster:
      certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS...LS0tCg==
      server: https://api.server-foundation-sno-x4lcs.dev04.red-chesterfield.com:6443
    name: default-cluster
  - context:
      cluster: default-cluster
      namespace: default
      user: default-auth
    name: default-context
current-context: default-context
kind: Config
preferences: {}
  - name: default-auth
      token: eyJh...8PwGo

Since the communication between the managed cluster and the hub cluster leverages mTLS, the SSL connection should not be terminated on the proxy server. So the proxy server needs to support HTTP tunneling (for example, HTTP CONNECT method), which will establish a tunnel between the managed cluster and the hub cluster and forward the traffic from the managed cluster through this tunnel.

Once the Klusterlet agent finishes the cluster registration, a secret hub-kubeconfig-secret is generated with a new kubeconfig. It has the similar proxy settings and the appropriate permissions. The Klusterlet agent then uses this kubeconfig to access the hub cluster.

multiple hubs

You can find an example built with kind and clusteradm in Join hub through a forward proxy server.

Add-on proxy settings

Typically the add-on agent running on the managed cluster also needs a kubeconfig to access the resources of the kube-apiserver on the hub cluster. The Klusterlet agent will generate this kubeconfig during the add-on registration. If the Klusterlet agent bootstraps with a proxy settings, the same settings will be put into the add-on kubeconfig as well. While agents of some add-ons may access services other than kube-apiserver on the hub cluster. For those add-ons, you may need to add additional configuration with proxy settings by creating a AddOnDeploymentConfig.

apiVersion: addon.open-cluster-management.io/v1alpha1
kind: AddOnDeploymentConfig
  name: addon-proxy-settings
  namespace: cluster1
    httpProxy: ""
    httpsProxy: ""
    noProxy: ".cluster.local,.svc,"
    caBundle: LS0tLS...LS0tCg==

The IP address of the kube-apiserver on the managed cluster should be included in the field noProxy. To get the IP address, run following command on the managed cluster:

kubectl -n default describe svc kubernetes | grep IP:

You also need to associate the configuration to the ManagedClusterAddOn by adding an item to spec.configs.

apiVersion: addon.open-cluster-management.io/v1alpha1
kind: ManagedClusterAddOn
  name: my-addon
  namespace: cluster1
  installNamespace: open-cluster-management-agent-addon
  - group: addon.open-cluster-management.io
    resource: addondeploymentconfigs
    name: addon-proxy-settings
    namespace: cluster1

With the above configuration, the add-on manager of this add-on running on the hub cluster can fetch the proxy settings and then propagate it to the managed cluster side, for example as environment variables by using ManifestWork API. And then the add-on agent can initiate the communication to a particular service on the hub cluster with the proxy settings.

multiple hubs

Once both the klusterlet agent and the add-on agents are able to communicate with the hub cluster through the forward proxy server, workloads, like applications, can be scheduled to the managed cluster.