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    Open Cluster Management has approximately a three to four month release cycle. The current release is v0.14.0. Continue reading to view upcoming releases:

    0.14.0, 21 Jun. 2024

    The Open Cluster Management team is proud to announce the release of OCM v0.14.0!

    • Exclude terminating clusters from PlacementDecision: now cluster in terminating state will not be picked by the placement.
    • Send available condition events for managed cluster: klusterlet agent will send a Kubenerte event to the cluster namespace upon status change, which makes it eaiser for user to check the state change of the managed cluster.
    • Set install namespace of AddonTemplate from AddonDeploymentConfig: consumers of AddonTemplate API can now use AddonDeploymentConfig API to set the installation namespace of the agent.
    • Configurable controller replicas and master node selector: user can now set flags --deployment-replicas and --control-plane-node-label-selector on klusterlet-operator to customize the replicas of the klusterlet agent.
    • Add CAPI into join flow: user can now use the join command to add a Cluster API provisioned cluster into OCM hub from Cluster API management cluster with --capi-import and --capi-cluster-name flag.
    • (Policy Framework) OperatorPolicy enhancement and stabilization: OperatorPolicy can now be set to mustnothave to perform cleanup, alongside stabilization improvements.
    • (Policy Framework) Add ConfigurationPolicy diff to the status: Adds a recordDiff: InStatus as the default value if it’s not set. In this mode, the difference between the policy and the object on the managed is returned in the status. Sensitive data types are not displayed unless InStatus is explicitly provided.
    • (Policy Framework) Add recreateOption to ConfigurationPolicy: When a user needs to update an object with immutable fields, the object must be replaced. In this case, recreateOption can be set to either ifRequired or Always depending on the requirements.

    Core components


    0.13.0, 6 Mar. 2024

    The Open Cluster Management team is proud to announce the release of OCM v0.13.0! There are a bunch of new features added into this release.

    • Rollout API: we built a common rollout API that has been adopted in ClusterManagementAddon and ManifestWorkReplicaSet, and will be also used in the policy addon in a future release. The API provides users a way to define a workload/addon rolling upgrade strategy across multiple clusters. See here for more details.
    • More install configurations in Klusterlet: we enhanced the Klusterlet API by adding more configuration fields, including resource requests, QPS/Burst and priority class.
    • Cloudevent support: an experimental feature to wire the work agent with a message broker using the cloudevent protocol. This enables a work agent running in a highly scalable mode. See here for more details.
    • Addon-framework is upgraded to v0.9.0 to better support the generic addon-manager and addon rolling out strategy. It is highly recommended for addons to upgrade the addon-framework dependency to version v0.8.1 or higher. Also, it should be noted that an RBAC update of the addon hub controller (adding PATCH verbs for resource clustermanagementaddons) is required during the upgrade.
    • Application add-on Subscription API can now aggregate and report managed clusters’ kustomization errors.
    • New OperatorPolicy to handle OLM operators: A new OperatorPolicy is added, managed by the config-policy-controller Pod, aimed at easing the management of OLM deployments.
    • (Policy framework) Add diff logging to ConfigurationPolicy: A recordDiff parameter is added to ConfigurationPolicy to enable the diff between the object on the cluster and the policy definition, to be logged in the config-policy-controller Pod logs.
    • (Policy framework) New OperatorPolicy to handle OLM operators: A new OperatorPolicy is added, managed by the config-policy-controller Pod, aimed at easing the management of OLM deployments.
    • (Policy framework) New Compliance History API: A Compliance History API is added to the policy framework. The compliance history in the policy on the cluster is limited to a non-configurable 10 statuses. The Compliance History API introduces a query-able database to keep track of history over a longer period as well as updates to a given policy.

    Core components


    0.12.0, 11 Oct. 2023

    The Open Cluster Management team is proud to announce the release of OCM v0.12.0! We have made architecture refactors and added several features in this release:

    • Component consolidation: we made a big code refactor to merge code in registration, work, placement and registration-operator into the ocm repo. The original separated code repos are currently used for maintaining old releases only. This code consolidation allows us to build more robust e2e tests, and build a single agent binary to reduce the footprint in managed clusters.
    • Addon Template API: A new addontemplate API is introduced to ease the development of addons. Users will not need to write code and run an addon-manager controller on the hub cluster. Instead, they only need to define the addontemplate API to create an addon. clusteradm also has a new command clusteradm addon create ... to create an addon from resource manifests files. See more details about addontemplate in the addon documentation.
    • Singleton agent mode: users can now choose to start the agent as a single pod using the Singleton mode in the klusterlet.
    • ManagedClusterSet/ManagedClusterSetBinding v1beta1 API is removed.
    • ConfigurationPolicy: Add the informOnly option to remediationAction in ConfigurationPolicy, signaling that the remediation action set on the Policy should not override the ConfigurationPolicy’s remediation action.
    • Policy framework: Security, performance, and stability improvements in controllers on both the hub and managed clusters.
    • ClusterPermission: New custom resource that enables administrators to automatically distribute RBAC resources to managed clusters and manage the lifecycle of those resources. See the ClusterPermission repo for more details.

    Core components


    • config-policy-controller v0.12.0 changelog
    • governance-policy-framework-addon v0.12.0 changelog
    • governance-policy-propagator v0.12.0 changelog
    • governance-policy-addon-controller v0.12.0 changelog
    • multicloud-operators-subscription v0.12.0 changelog
    • multicloud-operators-channel v0.12.0 changelog
    • multicloud-integrations v0.12.0 changelog
    • managed-serviceaccount v0.4.0 changelog

    0.11.0, 1, June 2023

    The Open Cluster Management team is proud to announce the release of OCM v0.11.0! There are a bunch of new features added into this release

    • Addon install strategy and rolling upgrade: a new component addon-manager is introduced to handle the addon installation and upgrade. User can specify the installation and upgrade strategy of the addon by referencing placement on ClusterManagementAddon API. The feature is in the alpha stage and can be enabled by setting feature-gates=AddonManagement=true when running clusteradm init.
    • ManifestWorkReplicaSet: it is a new API introduced in this release to deploy ManifestWork to multiple clusters by placement. Users can create a ManifestWorkReplicaSet together with Placement in the same namespace to spread the ManifestWork to multiple clusters, or use the command clusteradm create work <work name> -f <manifest yaml> --placement <namespace>/<placement name> -r. The feature is in the alpha stage and can be enabled by setting feature-gates=ManifestWorkReplicaSet=true when running clusteradm init.
    • Registration auto approve: user can configure a list of user id to auto approve the registration which makes cluster registration simpler in some scenarios. The feature is in the alpha stage and can be enabled by setting feature-gates=ManagedClusterAutoApproval=true when running clusteradm init. With this feautre enabled, the user does not need to run accept command on hub after join command.
    • ManifestWork can return structured result: previously the feedback mechanism in ManifestWork can only return scalar value. In this release, we add the support to return a structured value in the format of json string. To enable this feature, user can add feature-gates=RawFeedbackJsonString=true when running clusteradm join command.
    • Policies added support for syncing Gatekeeper manifests directly (previously a ConfigurationPolicy was needed to sync Gatekeeper manifests).
    • Templates were enhanced to lookup objects by label, and added copySecretData and copyConfigMapData functions to fetch the entire data contents of the respective object.
    • Improved the integration of the ArgoCD pull model by aggregating the status of deployed resources in the managed clusters and presenting it in the hub cluster’s MulticlusterApplicationSetReport custom resource.

    Core components


    We are pleased to welcome several new contributors to the community: @aii-nozomu-oki, @serngawy, @maleck13, @fgiloux, @USER0308, @youhangwang, @TheRealJon, @skitt, @yiraeChristineKim @iranzo, @nirs, @akram, @pajikos, @Arhell, @levenhagen, @eemurphy, @bellpr, @o-farag. Thanks for your contributions!

    0.10.0, 17th, Feb 2023

    The Open Cluster Management team is proud to announce the release of OCM v0.10.0! We mainly focused on bug fixes, code refactoring, and code stability in this release. Also we worked on several important design proposals on addon lifecycle enhancement and manifestwork orchestration which will be implemented in the next release. Here are some main features included in this release:

    • Argo CD hub-spoke / pull model application delivery integration. See argocd-pull-integration repo for more details.
    • Policy templating is enhanced so that when a referenced object is updated, the template is also updated.
    • A Policy or ConfigurationPolicy can specify dependencies on another policy having a specified status before taking action.
    • A raw string with go templates can be provided in object-templates-raw to the ConfigurationPolicy, allowing dynamically generated objects through the use of functions like {{ range ... }}.

    Core components


    v0.9.0, 21st, October 2022

    Open Cluster Management team is proud to announce the release of OCM v0.9.0! Here are some main features included in this release:

    • De-escalate Work Agent Privilege on Managed Clusters In previous iterations of OCM, the Work Agent process is run with admin privileges on managed clusters. This release, to exercise the principle of least privilege, OCM supports defining a non-root identity within each ManifestWork object, allowing end users to give the agent only necessary permissions to interact with the clusters which they manage.
    • Support referencing the AddOn configuration with AddOn APIs For some add-ons, they want to run with configuration, we enhance the add-on APIs to support reference add-on configuration, and in add-on framework, we support to trigger re-rendering the add-on deployment if its configuration is changed
    • Allow Targeting Specific Services within Managed Clusters The cluster-proxy add-on supports the exposure of services from within managed clusters to hub clusters, even across Virtual Private Clouds. Originally all traffic was routed through the Kubernetes API server on each managed cluster, increasing load on the node hosting the API server. Now the proxy agent add-on supports specifying a particular target service within a cluster, allowing for better load balancing of requests made by hub clusters and more granular control of what resources/APIs are exposed to hub clusters.
    • Upgraded ManagedClusterSet API to v1beta2 Update the ClusterSet API and gradually remove legacy custom resources, as well as allow for transformation of legacy resources into analogous v1beta2 resources. v1alpha1 APIs are removed.
    • Consolidate the policy add-on template, status, and spec synchronization controllers into a single repository, governance-policy-framework-addon
    • Application add-on is now able to expose custom Prometheus metrics via the Git subscription. See the metric documentation for more details.

    Core components


    The release annoucement is also publishded in blog. Thanks for all your contribution!

    v0.8.0, 8th, July 2022

    Open Cluster Management team is proud to annouce the release of OCM v0.8.0! It includes several enhancement on core components and addons. Notable changes including:

    • ManifestWork update strategy: now user can set ServerSideApply or CreateOnly as the manifest update strategy to resolve potential resource conflict in ManifestWork.
    • Global ClusterSet: when user enable the DefaultClusterSet feature gate, a global ManagedClusterSet will be auto-created including all ManagedClusters
    • Configuring feature gates for klusterlet and cluster manager: user can set feature gates when starting klusterlet and cluster manager.
    • Support host alaises for klusterlet: user can now set host aliases for klusterlet, it is especially useful in on-prem environment.
    • Running policy addon using clusteradm: user can now run policy addon directly using clusteradm

    Also we have added two new sub projects:

    See details in the release changelogs:

    Core components


    CLI extentions

    There are 30+ contributors making contributions in this release, they are, @ChunxiAlexLuo, @dhaiducek, @elgnay, @haoqing0110, @itdove, @ilan-pinto, @ivan-cai, @jichenjc, @JustinKuli, @ldpliu, @mikeshng, @mgold1234, @morvencao, @mprahl, @nathanweatherly, @philipwu08, @panguicai008, @Promacanthus, @qiujian16, @rokej, @skeeey, @SataQiu, @vbelouso, @xauthulei, @xiangjingli, @xuezhaojun, @ycyaoxdu, @yue9944882, @zhujian7, @zhiweiyin318. Thanks for your contributions!

    v0.7.0, on 6th, April 2022

    The Open Cluster Management team is excited to announce the release of OCM v0.7.0! We mainly focused on enhancing user experience in this release by introducing a bunch of new commands in clusteradm. Notable changes including:

    • APIs including placement, placementdecision, managedclusterset and managedclustersetbinding are upgraded to v1beta1, v1alpha1 version of these APIs are deprecated and will be removed in the future.
    • User can now use clusteradm to:
      • create, bind and view clusterset
      • create and view work
      • check the controlplane status by using hub-info and klusterlet-info sub commands.
      • upgrade hub and klusterlet
    • A default managedclusterset is created automatically and all clusters will be added to default managedclusterset by default. This feature can be disabled with feature gate DefaultClusterSet on registration controller.
    • Add the new policyset API that provides a way to logically group policy objects from a namespace, share placement, and report on overall status for the set in policy addon.

    See details in the release changelogs::

    There are 30+ contributors making contributions in this release, they are, @ChunxiAlexLuo, @dhaiducek, @elgnay, @haoqing0110, @hanqiuzh, @ilan-pinto, @ivan-cai, @JiahaoWei-RH, @jichenjc, @JustinKuli, @ldpliu, @mikeshng, @mgold1234, @morvencao, @mprahl, @nathanweatherly, @philipwu08, @qiujian16, @rcarrillocruz, @rokej, @skeeey, @TheRealHaoLiu, @vbelouso, @vMaroon, @TomerFi, @xauthulei, @xiangjingli, @xuezhaojun, @ycyaoxdu, @yue9944882, @zhujian7, @zhiweiyin318. Thanks for your contributions!

    v0.6.0, on 21st, January 2022

    The Open Cluster Management team is proud to announce the release of OCM v0.6.0! We made many enhancements on core components and introduced some new addons.

    • First release of cluster-proxy addon, Cluster-Proxy addon is to provide a reverse tunnel from the managed cluster to the hub using apiserver-network-proxy, so user can easily visit the apiserver of the managedcluster from the hub without complicated infrstructure configuration. See here on how to use cluster-proxy in OCM.
    • First release of managed-serviceaccount addon, Managed-Servicesaccount addon provides a mechanism to project a service account on a managed cluster to the hub. The user can then use this projected account to visit services on the managed cluster.
    • Sync status of applied resources in ManifestWork, The users can specify the status field of the applied resource they want to explore in the ManifestWork spec, and get results from the status of the ManifestWork. See here on how to use this feature in Manifestwork.
    • Placement extensible scheduling, a new API AddonPlacementScore is added which allows third party controllers to score the clusters based on various metrics. The user can specify what score should be used in the Placement API to select clusters.
    • Helm chart interface for addon framework, a new interface is added in addon framework with which the developer can build an addon agent from a helm chart. See example on how to build an addon agent from the helm chart.
    • Placement API support for multicloud-operators-subscription, subscription now supports Placement API and can leverage all new features in Placement API to deploy application packages.

    We also added many new functions in clusteradm and enhanced the website documentation.

    See details in the release changelogs::

    There are 20+ contributors making contributions in this release, they are @champly, @ChunxiAlexLuo, @dhaiducek, @elgnay, @haoqing0110, @ilan-pinto, @mikeshng, @morvencao, @mprahl, @nathanweatherly, @qiujian16, @rokej, @skeeey, @TheRealHaoLiu, @serngawy, @suigh, @xauthulei, @xiangjingli, @xuezhaojun, @ycyaoxdu, @yue9944882, @zhujian7, @zhiweiyin318. Thanks for your contributions!

    v0.5.0, on 8th, November 2021

    Open Cluster Management team is proud to announce the release of OCM v0.5.0! We made several enhancements on APIs and addons which include:

    In addition, we also release the first version of clusteradm to ease the installation of OCM, and addon-framework to ease the development of management addons on OCM.

    To see details of the changelogs in this release:

    There are 20+ contributors making contributions in this release, they are @elgnay, @haoqing0110, @hchenxa, @huiwq1990, @itdove, @kim-fitness, @mikeshng, @panpan0000, @philipwu08, @porridge, @qiujian16, @rokej, @skeeey, @suigh, @vincent-pli, @wzhanw, @xauthulei, @xiangjingli, @xuezhaojun, @yue9944882, @zhujian7, @zhiweiyin318. Thanks for your contributions!

    v0.4.0 on August 2021