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A few general guide about operating the open-cluster-management’s control plane and the managed clusters.

1 - Monitoring OCM using Prometheus-Operator

In this page, we provide a way to monitor your OCM environment using Prometheus-Operator.

Before you get started

You must have a OCM environment setuped. You can also follow our recommended quick start guide to set up a playgroud OCM environment.

And then please install the Prometheus-Operator in your hub cluster. You can also run the following commands copied from the official doc:

git clone
cd kube-prometheus

# Create the namespace and CRDs, and then wait for them to be availble before creating the remaining resources
kubectl create -f manifests/setup

# Wait until the "servicemonitors" CRD is created. The message "No resources found" means success in this context.
until kubectl get servicemonitors --all-namespaces ; do date; sleep 1; echo ""; done

kubectl create -f manifests/

Monitoring the control-plane resource usage.

You can use kubectl proxy to open prometheus UI in your browser on localhost:9090:

kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/prometheus-k8s 9090

The following queries are to monitor the control-plane pods’ cpu usage, memory usage and apirequestcount for critical CRs:


Visualized with Grafana

We provide a intial grafana dashboard for you to visualize the metrics. But you can also customize your own dashboard.

First, use the following command to proxy grafana service:

kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/grafana 3000

Next, open the grafana UI in your browser on localhost:3000.

Click the “Import Dashboard” and run the following command to copy a sample dashboard and paste it to the grafana:

curl | pbcopy

Then, you will get a sample grafana dashboard that you can fine-tune further:


2 - Upgrading your OCM environment

This page provides the suggested steps to upgrade your OCM environment including both the hub cluster and the managed clusters. Overall the major steps you should follow are:

  • Read the release notes to confirm the latest OCM release version. (Note that some add-ons’ version might be different from OCM’s overall release version.)
  • Upgrade your command line tools clusteradm

Before you begin

You must have an existing OCM environment and there’s supposed to be registration-operator running in your clusters. The registration-operators is supposed to be installed if you’re previously following our recommended quick start guide to set up your OCM. The operator is responsible for helping you upgrade the other components on ease.

Upgrade command-line tool

In order to retrieve the latest version of OCM’s command-line tool clusteradm, run the following one-liner command:

$ curl -L | bash

Then you’re supposed to see the following outputs:

Getting the latest clusteradm CLI...
Your system is darwin_amd64

clusteradm CLI is detected:
Reinstalling clusteradm CLI - /usr/local/bin/clusteradm...

Installing v0.1.0 OCM clusteradm CLI...
Downloading ...
clusteradm installed into /usr/local/bin successfully.

To get started with clusteradm, please visit

Also, your can confirm the installed cli version by running:

$ clusteradm version
client		    version	:v0.1.0
server release	version	: ...

Upgrade OCM Components via Command-line tool

Hub Cluster

For example, to upgrade OCM components in the hub cluster, run the following command:

$ clusteradm upgrade clustermanager --bundle-version=0.7.0

Then clusteradm will make sure everything in the hub cluster is upgraded to the expected version. To check the latest status after the upgrade, continue to run the following command:

$ clusteradm get hub-info

Managed Clusters

To upgrade the OCM components in the managed clusters, switch the client context e.g. overriding KUBECONFIG environment variable, then simply run the following command:

$ clusteradm upgrade klusterlet --bundle-version=0.7.0

To check the status after the upgrade, continue running this command against the managed cluster:

$ clusteradm get klusterlet-info

Upgrade OCM Components via Manual Edit

Hub Cluster

Upgrading the registration-operator

Navigate into the namespace where you installed registration-operator (named “open-cluster-management” by default) and edit the image version of its deployment resource:

$ kubectl -n open-cluster-management edit deployment cluster-manager

Then update the image tag version to your target release version, which is exactly the OCM’s overall release version.

--- image:<old release>
+++ image:<new release>

Upgrading the core components

After the upgrading of registration-operator is done, it’s about time to surge the working modules of OCM. Go on and edit the clustermanager custom resource to prescribe the registration-operator to perform the automated upgrading:

$ kubectl edit clustermanager cluster-manager

In the content of clustermanager resource, you’re supposed to see a few images listed in its spec:

kind: ClusterManager
metadata: ...
  registrationImagePullSpec:<target release>
  workImagePullSpec:<target release>
  # NOTE: Placement release versioning differs from the OCM root version, please refer to the release note.
  placementImagePullSpec:<target release>

Replacing the old release version to the latest and commit the changes will trigger the process of background upgrading. Note that the status of upgrade can be actively tracked via the status of clustermanager, so if anything goes wrong during the upgrade it should also be reflected in that status.

Managed Clusters

Upgrading the registration-operator

Similar to the process of upgrading hub’s registration-operator, the only difference you’re supposed to notice when upgrading the managed cluster is the name of deployment. Note that before running the following command, you are expected to switch the context to access the managed clusters not the hub.

$ kubectl -n open-cluster-management edit deployment klusterlet

Then repeatedly, update the image tag version to your target release version and commit the changes will upgrade the registration-operator.

Upgrading the agent components

After the registration-operator is upgraded, move on and edit the corresponding klusterlet custom resource to trigger the upgrading process in your managed cluster:

$ kubectl edit klusterlet klusterlet

In the spec of klusterlet, what is expected to be updated is also its image list:

kind: Klusterlet
metadata: ...
  registrationImagePullSpec:<target release>
  workImagePullSpec:<target release>

After committing the updates, actively checking the status of the klusterlet to confirm whether everything is correctly upgraded. And repeat the above steps to each of the managed clusters to perform a cluster-wise progressive upgrade.

Confirm the upgrade

Getting the overall status of the managed cluster will help you to detect the availability in case any of the managed clusters are running into failure:

$ kubectl get managedclusters

And the upgrading is all set if all the steps above is succeeded.