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Cluster Inventory

1 - ClusterClaim

What is ClusterClaim?

ClusterClaim is a cluster-scoped API available to users on a managed cluster. The ClusterClaim objects are collected from the managed cluster and saved into the status of the corresponding ManagedCluster object on the hub.


ClusterCaim is used to specify additional properties of the managed cluster like the clusterID, version, vendor and cloud provider. We defined some reserved ClusterClaims like which is a unique identifier for the managed cluster.

In addition to the reserved ClusterClaims, users can also customize 20 ClusterClaims by default. The maximum count of customized ClusterClaims can be configured via the flag max-custom-cluster-claims of registration agent on the managed cluster.

The ClusterClaim with the label will not be synced to the status of ManagedCluster.


Here is a ClusterClaim example specifying a

kind: ClusterClaim
  value: myCluster

After applying the ClusterClaim above to any managed cluster, the value of the ClusterClaim is reflected in the ManagedCluster on the hub cluster:

kind: ManagedCluster
metadata: ...
spec: ...
    - name:
      value: myCluster

2 - ManagedCluster

What is ManagedCluster?

ManagedCluster is a cluster scoped API in the hub cluster representing the registered or pending-for-acceptance Kubernetes clusters in OCM. The klusterlet agent working in the managed cluster is expected to actively maintain/refresh the status of the corresponding ManagedCluster resource on the hub cluster. On the other hand, removing the ManagedCluster from the hub cluster indicates the cluster is denied/exiled from the hub cluster. The following is the introduction of how the cluster registration lifecycle works under the hood:

Cluster registration and acceptance

Bootstrapping registration

Firstly, the cluster registration process should be initiated by the registration agent which requires a bootstrap kubeconfig e.g.:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig
  namespace: open-cluster-management-agent
type: Opaque
  kubeconfig: <base64-encoded kubeconfig>

A minimal RBAC permission required for the subject in the bootstrap kubeconfig will be:

  • CertificateSigningRequest’s “get”, “list”, “watch”, “create”, “update”.
  • ManagedCluster’s “get”, “list”, “create”, “update”

Note that ideally the bootstrap kubeconfig is supposed to live shortly (hour-ish) after signed by the hub cluster so that it won’t be abused by unwelcome clients.

Last but not least, you can always live an easier life by leveraging OCM’s command-line tool clusteradm to manage the whole registration process.

Approving registration

When we’re registering a new cluster into OCM, the registration agent will be starting by creating an unaccepted ManagedCluster into the hub cluster along with a temporary CertificateSigningRequest (CSR) resource. The cluster will be accepted by the hub control plane, if the following requirements is meet:

  • The CSR is approved and signed by any certificate provider setting filling .status.certificate with legit X.509 certificates.
  • The ManagedCluster resource is approved by setting .spec.hubAcceptsClient to true in the spec.

Note that the cluster approval process above can be done by one-line:

$ clusteradm accept --clusters <cluster name>

Upon the approval, the registration agent will observe the signed certificate and persist them as a local secret named “hub-kubeconfig-secret” (by default in the “open-cluster-management-agent” namespace) which will be mounted to the other fundamental components of klusterlet such as the work agent. In a word, if you can find your “hub-kubeconfig-secret” successfully present in your managed cluster, the cluster registration is all set!

Overall the registration process in OCM is called double opt-in mechanism, which means that a successful cluster registration requires both sides of approval and commitment from the hub cluster and the managed cluster. This will be especially useful when the hub cluster and managed clusters are operated by different admins or teams. In OCM, we assume the clusters are mutually untrusted in the beginning then set up the connection between them gracefully with permission and validity under control.

Note that the functionality mentioned above are all managed by OCM’s registration sub-project, which is the “root dependency” in the OCM world. It includes an agent in the managed cluster to register to the hub and a controller in the hub cluster to coordinate with the agent.

Cluster heartbeats and status

By default, the registration will be reporting and refreshing its healthiness state to the hub cluster on a one-minute basis, and that interval can be easily overridden by setting .spec.leaseDurationSeconds on the ManagedCluster.

In addition to that, a few commonly-used information will also be reflected in the status of the ManagedCluster, e.g.:

      kubernetes: v1.20.11
      cpu: 11700m
      ephemeral-storage: "342068531454"
      hugepages-1Gi: "0"
      hugepages-2Mi: "0"
      memory: 17474228Ki
      pods: "192"
      cpu: "12"
      ephemeral-storage: 371168112Ki
      hugepages-1Gi: "0"
      hugepages-2Mi: "0"
      memory: 23777972Ki
      pods: "192"
    conditions: ...

Cluster taints and tolerations

To support filtering unhealthy/not-reporting clusters and keep workloads from being placed in unhealthy or unreachable clusters, we introduce the similar concept of taint/toleration in Kubernetes. It also allows user to add a customized taint to deselect a cluster from placement. This is useful when the user wants to set a cluster to maintenance mode and evict workload from this cluster.

In OCM, Taints and Tolerations work together to allow users to control the selection of managed clusters more flexibly.

Taints of ManagedClusters

Taints are properties of ManagedClusters, they allow a Placement to repel a set of ManagedClusters. A Taint includes the following fields:

  • Key (required). The taint key applied to a cluster. e.g. bar or
  • Value (optional). The taint value corresponding to the taint key.
  • Effect (required). The Effect of the taint on Placements that do not tolerate the taint. Valid effects are
    • NoSelect. It means Placements are not allowed to select a cluster unless they tolerate this taint. The cluster will be removed from the placement decision if it has already been selected by the Placement.
    • PreferNoSelect. It means the scheduler tries not to select the cluster, rather than prohibiting Placements from selecting the cluster entirely. (This is not implemented yet, currently clusters with effect PreferNoSelect will always be selected.)
    • NoSelectIfNew. It means Placements are not allowed to select the cluster unless: 1) they tolerate the taint; 2) they have already had the cluster in their cluster decisions;
  • TimeAdded (required). The time at which the taint was added. It is set automatically and the user should not to set/update its value.

Builtin taints to reflect the status of ManagedClusters

There are two builtin taints, which will be automatically added to ManagedClusters, according to their conditions.

  • The taint is added to a ManagedCluster when it is not available. To be specific, the cluster has a condition ‘ManagedClusterConditionAvailable’ with status of ‘False’. The taint has the effect NoSelect and an empty value. Example,
    kind: ManagedCluster
     name: cluster1
     hubAcceptsClient: true
       - effect: NoSelect
         timeAdded: '2022-02-21T08:11:54Z'
  • The taint is added to a ManagedCluster when it is not reachable. To be specific,
      1. The cluster has no condition ‘ManagedClusterConditionAvailable’;
      1. Or the status of condition ‘ManagedClusterConditionAvailable’ is ‘Unknown’; The taint has the effect NoSelect and an empty value. Example,
    kind: ManagedCluster
      name: cluster1
      hubAcceptsClient: true
        - effect: NoSelect
          timeAdded: '2022-02-21T08:11:06Z'

Tolerations of Placements

Tolerations are applied to Placements, and allow Placements to select ManagedClusters with matching taints. Refer to Placement Taints/Tolerations to see how it is used for cluster selection.

Cluster removal

A previously registered cluster can opt-out cutting off the connection from either hub cluster or managed cluster. This is helpful for tackling emergency problems in your OCM environment, e.g.:

  • When the hub cluster is overloaded, under emergency
  • When the managed cluster is intended to detach from OCM
  • When the hub cluster is found sending wrong orders to the managed cluster
  • When the managed cluster is spamming requests to the hub cluster

Unregister from hub cluster

A recommended way to unregister a managed cluster will flip the .spec.hubAcceptsClient bit back to false, which will be triggering the hub control plane to offload the managed cluster from effective management. Meanwhile, a permanent way to kick a managed cluster from the hub control plane is simply deleting its ManagedCluster resource.

$ kubectl delete managedcluster <cluster name>

This is also revoking the previously-granted RBAC permission for the managed cluster instantly in the background. If we hope to defer the rejection to the next time when the klusterlet agent is renewing its certificate, as a minimal operation we can remove the following RBAC rules from the cluster’s effective cluster role resource:

# ClusterRole: open-cluster-management:managedcluster:<cluster name>
# Removing the following RBAC rule to stop the certificate rotation.
- apiGroups:
    - managedclusters/clientcertificates
    - renew

Unregister from the managed cluster

The admin of the managed cluster can disable the prescriptions from hub cluster by scaling the OCM klusterlet agents to 0. Or just permanently deleting the agent components from the managed cluster.

Managed Cluster’s certificate rotation

The certificates used by the agents from the managed cluster to talk to the hub control plane will be periodically rotated with an ephemeral and random identity. The following picture shows the automated certificate rotation works.

Registration Process

What’s next?

Furthermore, we can do advanced cluster matching/selecting within a managedclusterset using the placement module.

3 - ManagedClusterSet


The ManagedClusterSet and ManagedClusterSetBinding API v1beta1 version will no longer be served in OCM v0.12.0.

  • Migrate manifests and API clients to use the ManagedClusterSet and ManagedClusterSetBinding API v1beta2 version, available since OCM v0.9.0.
  • All existing persisted objects are accessible via the new API.
  • Notable changes:
    • The default cluster selector type will be ExclusiveClusterSetLabel in v1beta2, and type LegacyClusterSetLabel in v1beta1 is removed.

What is ManagedClusterSet?

ManagedClusterSet is a cluster-scoped API in the hub cluster for grouping a few managed clusters into a “set” so that hub admin can operate these clusters altogether in a higher level. The concept is inspired by the enhancement from the Kubernetes SIG-Multicluster. Member clusters in the set are supposed to have common/similar attributes e.g. purpose of use, deployed regions, etc.

ManagedClusterSetBinding is a namespace-scoped API in the hub cluster to project a ManagedClusterSet into a certain namespace. Each ManagedClusterSet can be managed/administrated by different hub admins, and their RBAC permissions can also be isolated by binding the ManagedClusterSet to a “workspace namespace” in the hub cluster via ManagedClusterSetBinding.

Note that ManagedClusterSet and “workspace namespace” has an M*N relationship:

  • Bind multiple cluster sets to one workspace namespace indicates that the admin of that namespace can operate the member clusters from both sets.
  • Bind one cluster set to multiple workspace namespace indicates that the cluster set can be operated from all the bound namespaces at the same time.

The cluster set admin can flexibly operate the member clusters in the workspace namespace using Placement API, etc.

The following picture shows the hierarchies of how the cluster set works:


Operates ManagedClusterSet using clusteradm

Creating a ManagedClusterSet

Running the following command to create an example cluster set:

$ clusteradm create clusterset example-clusterset
$ clusteradm get clustersets
└── <default>
│   ├── <BoundNamespace>
│   ├── <Status> No ManagedCluster selected
└── <example-clusterset>
│   ├── <BoundNamespace>
│   ├── <Status> No ManagedCluster selected
└── <global>
    └── <BoundNamespace>
    └── <Status> 1 ManagedClusters selected

The newly created cluster set will be empty by default, so we can move on adding member clusters to the set.

Adding a ManagedCluster to a ManagedClusterSet

Running the following command to add a cluster to the set:

$ clusteradm clusterset set example-clusterset --clusters managed1
$ clusteradm get clustersets
└── <default>
│   ├── <BoundNamespace>
│   ├── <Status> No ManagedCluster selected
└── <example-clusterset>
│   ├── <BoundNamespace>
│   ├── <Status> 1 ManagedClusters selected
└── <global>
    └── <BoundNamespace>
    └── <Status> 1 ManagedClusters selected

Note that adding a cluster to a cluster set will require the admin to have “managedclustersets/join” access in the hub cluster.

Now the cluster set contains 1 valid cluster, and in order to operate that cluster set we are supposed to bind it to an existing namespace to make it a “workspace namespace”.

Binding the ManagedClusterSet to a workspace namespace

Running the following command to bind the cluster set to a namespace. Note that the namespace SHALL NOT be an existing “cluster namespace” (i.e. the namespace has the same name of a registered managed cluster).

Note that binding a cluster set to a namespace means that granting access from that namespace to its member clusters. And the bind process requires “managedclustersets/bind” access in the hub cluster which is clarified below.

$ clusteradm clusterset bind example-clusterset --namespace default
$ clusteradm get clustersets
└── <default>
│   ├── <BoundNamespace>
│   ├── <Status> No ManagedCluster selected
└── <example-clusterset>
│   ├── <Status> 1 ManagedClusters selected
│   ├── <BoundNamespace> default
└── <global>
    └── <BoundNamespace>
    └── <Status> 1 ManagedClusters selected

So far we successfully created a new cluster set containing 1 cluster and bind it a “workspace namespace”.

A glance at the “ManagedClusterSet” API

The ManagedClusterSet is a vanilla Kubernetes custom resource which can be checked by the command kubectl get managedclusterset <cluster set name> -o yaml:

kind: ManagedClusterSet
  name: example-clusterset
    selectorType: ExclusiveClusterSetLabel
  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-02-21T09:24:38Z"
    message: 1 ManagedClusters selected
    reason: ClustersSelected
    status: "False"
    type: ClusterSetEmpty
kind: ManagedClusterSet
  name: example-openshift-clusterset
        vendor: OpenShift
    selectorType: LabelSelector
  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-06-20T08:23:28Z"
    message: 1 ManagedClusters selected
    reason: ClustersSelected
    status: "False"
    type: ClusterSetEmpty

The ManagedClusterSetBinding can also be checked by the command kubectl get managedclustersetbinding <cluster set name> -n <workspace-namespace> -oyaml:

kind: ManagedClusterSetBinding
  name: example-clusterset
  namespace: default
  clusterSet: example-clusterset
  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-12-19T09:55:10Z"
    message: ""
    reason: ClusterSetBound
    status: "True"
    type: Bound

Clusterset RBAC permission control

Adding member cluster to a clusterset

Adding a new member cluster to a clusterset requires RBAC permission of updating the managed cluster and managedclustersets/join subresource. We can manually apply the following clusterrole to allow a hub user to manipulate that clusterset:

kind: ClusterRole
metadata: ...
  - apiGroups:
      - managedclusters
      - update
  - apiGroups:
      - managedclustersets/join
      - create

Binding a clusterset to a namespace

The “binding” process of a cluster set is policed by a validating webhook that checks whether the requester has sufficient RBAC access to the managedclustersets/bind subresource. We can also manually apply the following clusterrole to grant a hub user the permission to bind cluster sets:

kind: ClusterRole
metadata: ...
  - apiGroups:
      - managedclustersets/bind
      - create

Default ManagedClusterSet

For easier management, we introduce a ManagedClusterSet called default. A default ManagedClusterSet will be automatically created initially. Any clusters not specifying a ManagedClusterSet will be added into the default. The user can move the cluster from the default clusterset to another clusterset using the command:

clusteradm clusterset set target-clusterset --clusters cluster-name

default clusterset is an alpha feature that can be disabled by disabling the feature gate in registration controller as: - "--feature-gates=DefaultClusterSet=false"

Global ManagedClusterSet

For easier management, we also introduce a ManagedClusterSet called global. A global ManagedClusterSet will be automatically created initially. The global ManagedClusterSet include all ManagedClusters.

global clusterset is an alpha feature that can be disabled by disabling the feature gate in registration controller as: - "--feature-gates=DefaultClusterSet=false"

global ManagedClusterSet detail:

kind: ManagedClusterSet
  name: global
    labelSelector: {}
    selectorType: LabelSelector
  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-06-20T08:23:28Z"
    message: 1 ManagedClusters selected
    reason: ClustersSelected
    status: "False"
    type: ClusterSetEmpty