
What is ClusterClaim?

ClusterClaim is a cluster-scoped API available to users on a managed cluster. The ClusterClaim objects are collected from the managed cluster and saved into the status of the corresponding ManagedCluster object on the hub.


ClusterCaim is used to specify additional properties of the managed cluster like the clusterID, version, vendor and cloud provider. We defined some reserved ClusterClaims like id.k8s.io which is a unique identifier for the managed cluster.

In addition to the reserved ClusterClaims, users can also customize 20 ClusterClaims by default. The maximum count of customized ClusterClaims can be configured via the flag max-custom-cluster-claims of registration agent on the managed cluster.

The ClusterClaim with the label open-cluster-management.io/spoke-only will not be synced to the status of ManagedCluster.


Here is a ClusterClaim example specifying a id.k8s.io:

apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterClaim
  name: id.k8s.io
  value: myCluster

After applying the ClusterClaim above to any managed cluster, the value of the ClusterClaim is reflected in the ManagedCluster on the hub cluster:

apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1
kind: ManagedCluster
metadata: ...
spec: ...
    - name: id.k8s.io
      value: myCluster