

  • The Placement and PlacementDecision API v1alpha1 version will no longer be served in OCM v0.9.0.

    • Migrate manifests and API clients to use the Placement and PlacementDecision API v1beta1 version, available since OCM v0.7.0.
    • All existing persisted objects are accessible via the new API.
    • Notable changes:
      • The field in Placement API v1alpha1 is removed and replaced by spec.prioritizerPolicy.configurations.scoreCoordinate.builtIn in v1beta1.
  • Clusters in terminating state will not be selected by placements from OCM v0.14.0.


Placement concept is used to dynamically select a set of managedClusters in one or multiple ManagedClusterSet so that higher level users can either replicate Kubernetes resources to the member clusters or run their advanced workload i.e. multi-cluster scheduling.

The “input” and “output” of the scheduling process are decoupled into two separated Kubernetes API Placement and PlacementDecision. As is shown in the following picture, we prescribe the scheduling policy in the spec of Placement API and the placement controller in the hub will help us to dynamically select a slice of managed clusters from the given cluster sets. The selected clusters will be listed in PlacementDecision.


Following the architecture of Kubernetes’ original scheduling framework, the multi-cluster scheduling is logically divided into two phases internally:

  • Predicate: Hard requirements for the selected clusters.
  • Prioritize: Rank the clusters by the soft requirements and select a subset among them.

Select clusters in ManagedClusterSet

By following the previous section about ManagedClusterSet, now we’re supposed to have one or multiple valid cluster sets in the hub clusters. Then we can move on and create a placement in the “workspace namespace” by specifying predicates and prioritizers in the Placement API to define our own multi-cluster scheduling policy.


  • Clusters in terminating state will not be selected by placements.


Label/Claim selection

In the predicates section, you can select clusters by labels or clusterClaims. For instance, you can select 3 clusters with label purpose=test and clusterClaim as seen in the following examples:

kind: Placement
  name: placement1
  namespace: default
  numberOfClusters: 3
    - prod
    - requiredClusterSelector:
            purpose: test
            - key:
              operator: In
                - aws

Note that the distinction between label-selecting and claim-selecting is elaborated in this page about how to extend attributes for the managed clusters.


To support filtering unhealthy/not-reporting clusters and keep workloads from being placed in unhealthy or unreachable clusters, we introduce the similar concept of taint/toleration in Kubernetes. It also allows user to add a customized taint to deselect a cluster from placement. This is useful when the user wants to set a cluster to maintenance mode and evict workload from this cluster.

In OCM, Taints and Tolerations work together to allow users to control the selection of managed clusters more flexibly.

Taints are properties of ManagedClusters, they allow a Placement to repel a set of ManagedClusters in predicates stage.

Tolerations are applied to Placements, and allow Placements to select ManagedClusters with matching taints.

The following example shows how to tolerate clusters with taints.

  • Tolerate clusters with taint

    Suppose your managed cluster has taint added as below.

    kind: ManagedCluster
      name: cluster1
      hubAcceptsClient: true
        - effect: NoSelect
          key: gpu
          value: "true"
          timeAdded: '2022-02-21T08:11:06Z'

    By default, the placement won’t select this cluster unless you define tolerations.

    kind: Placement
      name: placement1
      namespace: ns1
        - key: gpu
          value: "true"
          operator: Equal

    With the above tolerations defined, cluster1 could be selected by placement because of the key: gpu and value: "true" match.

  • Tolerate clusters with taint for a period of time

    TolerationSeconds represents the period of time the toleration tolerates the taint. It could be used for the case like, when a managed cluster gets offline, users can make applications deployed on this cluster to be transferred to another available managed cluster after a tolerated time.

    kind: ManagedCluster
      name: cluster1
      hubAcceptsClient: true
        - effect: NoSelect
          timeAdded: '2022-02-21T08:11:06Z'

    If define a placement with TolerationSeconds as below, then the workload will be transferred to another available managed cluster after 5 minutes.

    kind: Placement
      name: placement1
      namespace: ns1
        - key:
          operator: Exists
          tolerationSeconds: 300

In tolerations section, it includes the following fields:

  • Key (optional). Key is the taint key that the toleration applies to.
  • Value (optional). Value is the taint value the toleration matches to.
  • Operator (optional). Operator represents a key’s relationship to the value. Valid operators are Exists and Equal. Defaults to Equal. A toleration “matches” a taint if the keys are the same and the effects are the same, and the operator is:
    • Equal. The operator is Equal and the values are equal.
    • Exists. Exists is equivalent to wildcard for value, so that a placement can tolerate all taints of a particular category.
  • Effect (optional). Effect indicates the taint effect to match. Empty means match all taint effects. When specified, allowed values are NoSelect, PreferNoSelect and NoSelectIfNew. (PreferNoSelect is not implemented yet, currently clusters with effect PreferNoSelect will always be selected.)
  • TolerationSeconds (optional). TolerationSeconds represents the period of time the toleration (which must be of effect NoSelect/PreferNoSelect, otherwise this field is ignored) tolerates the taint. The default value is nil, which indicates it tolerates the taint forever. The start time of counting the TolerationSeconds should be the TimeAdded in Taint, not the cluster scheduled time or TolerationSeconds added time.


Score-based prioritizer

In prioritizerPolicy section, you can define the policy of prioritizers.

The following example shows how to select clusters with prioritizers.

  • Select a cluster with the largest allocatable memory.

    kind: Placement
      name: placement1
      namespace: ns1
      numberOfClusters: 1
          - scoreCoordinate:
              builtIn: ResourceAllocatableMemory

    The prioritizer policy has default mode additive and default prioritizers Steady and Balance.

    In the above example, the prioritizers actually come into effect are Steady, Balance and ResourceAllocatableMemory.

    And the end of this section has more description about the prioritizer policy mode and default prioritizers.

  • Select a cluster with the largest allocatable CPU and memory, and make placement sensitive to resource changes.

    kind: Placement
      name: placement1
      namespace: ns1
      numberOfClusters: 1
          - scoreCoordinate:
              builtIn: ResourceAllocatableCPU
            weight: 2
          - scoreCoordinate:
              builtIn: ResourceAllocatableMemory
            weight: 2

    The prioritizer policy has default mode additive and default prioritizers Steady and Balance, and their default weight is 1.

    In the above example, the prioritizers actually come into effect are Steady with weight 1, Balance with weight 1, ResourceAllocatableCPU with weight 2 and ResourceAllocatableMemory with weight 2. The cluster score will be a combination of the 4 prioritizers score. Since ResourceAllocatableCPU and ResourceAllocatableMemory have higher weight, they will be weighted more in the results, and make placement sensitive to resource changes.

    And the end of this section has more description about the prioritizer weight and how the final score is calculated.

  • Select two clusters with the largest addon score CPU ratio, and pin the placement decisions.

    kind: Placement
      name: placement1
      namespace: ns1
      numberOfClusters: 2
        mode: Exact
          - scoreCoordinate:
              builtIn: Steady
            weight: 3
          - scoreCoordinate:
              type: AddOn
                resourceName: default
                scoreName: cpuratio

    In the above example, explicitly define the mode as exact. The prioritizers actually come into effect are Steady with weight 3 and addon score cpuratio with weight 1. Go into the Extensible scheduling section to learn more about addon score.

In prioritizerPolicy section, it includes the following fields:

  • mode is either Exact, Additive or "", where "" is Additive by default.
    • In Additive mode, any prioritizer not explicitly enumerated is enabled in its default Configurations, in which Steady and Balance prioritizers have the weight of 1 while other prioritizers have the weight of 0. Additive doesn’t require configuring all prioritizers. The default Configurations may change in the future, and additional prioritization will happen.
    • In Exact mode, any prioritizer not explicitly enumerated is weighted as zero. Exact requires knowing the full set of prioritizers you want, but avoids behavior changes between releases.
  • configurations represents the configuration of prioritizers.
    • scoreCoordinate represents the configuration of the prioritizer and score source.
      • type defines the type of the prioritizer score. Type is either BuiltIn, AddOn or “”, where "" is BuiltIn by default. When the type is BuiltIn, a BuiltIn prioritizer name must be specified. When the type is AddOn, need to configure the score source in AddOn.
        • builtIn defines the name of a BuiltIn prioritizer. Below are the valid BuiltIn prioritizer names.
          • Balance: balance the decisions among the clusters.
          • Steady: ensure the existing decision is stabilized.
          • ResourceAllocatableCPU: sort clusters based on the allocatable CPU.
          • ResourceAllocatableMemory: sort clusters based on the allocatable memory.
        • addOn defines the resource name and score name. AddOnPlacementScore is introduced to describe addon scores, go into the Extensible scheduling section to learn more about it.
          • resourceName defines the resource name of the AddOnPlacementScore. The placement prioritizer selects AddOnPlacementScore CR by this name.
          • scoreName defines the score name inside AddOnPlacementScore. AddOnPlacementScore contains a list of score name and score value, scoreName specifies the score to be used by the prioritizer.
    • weight defines the weight of the prioritizer. The value must be ranged in [-10,10]. Each prioritizer will calculate an integer score of a cluster in the range of [-100, 100]. The final score of a cluster will be sum(weight * prioritizer_score). A higher weight indicates that the prioritizer weights more in the cluster selection, while 0 weight indicates that the prioritizer is disabled. A negative weight indicates wanting to select the last ones.

Extensible scheduling

In placement resource based scheduling, in some cases the prioritizer needs extra data (more than the default value provided by ManagedCluster) to calculate the score of the managed cluster. For example, schedule the clusters based on cpu or memory usage data of the clusters fetched from a monitoring system.

So we provide a new API AddOnPlacementScore to support a more extensible way to schedule based on customized scores.

  • As a user, as mentioned in the above section, can specify the score in placement yaml to select clusters.
  • As a score provider, a 3rd party controller could run on either hub or managed cluster, to maintain the lifecycle of AddOnPlacementScore and update score into it.

Extend the multi-cluster scheduling capabilities with placement introduces how to implement a customized score provider.

Refer to the enhancements to learn more.


A slice of PlacementDecision will be created by placement controller in the same namespace, each with a label of{placement name}. PlacementDecision contains the results of the cluster selection as seen in the following examples.

kind: PlacementDecision
  labels: placement1
  name: placement1-decision-1
  namespace: default
    - clusterName: cluster1
    - clusterName: cluster2
    - clusterName: cluster3

The status.decisions lists the top N clusters with the highest score and ordered by names. The status.decisions changes over time, the scheduling result update based on what endpoints exist.

The scheduling result in the PlacementDecision API is designed to be paginated with its page index as the name’s suffix to avoid “too large object” issue from the underlying Kubernetes API framework.

PlacementDecision can be consumed by another operand to decide how the workload should be placed in multiple clusters.

Decision strategy

The decisionStrategy section of Placement can be used to divide the created PlacementDecision into groups and define the number of clusters per decision group.

Assume an environment has 310 clusters, 10 of which have the label prod-canary-west and 10 have the label prod-canary-east. The following example demonstrates how to group the clusters with the labels prod-canary-west and prod-canary-east into 2 groups, and group the remaining clusters into groups with a maximum of 150 clusters each.

kind: Placement
  name: placement1
  namespace: default
    - global
      clustersPerDecisionGroup: 150
      - groupName: prod-canary-west
              - key: prod-canary-west
                operator: Exists
      - groupName: prod-canary-east
              - key: prod-canary-east
                operator: Exists

The decisionStrategy section includes the following fields:

  • decisionGroups: Represents a list of predefined groups to put decision results. Decision groups will be constructed based on the decisionGroups field at first. The clusters not included in the decisionGroups will be divided to other decision groups afterwards. Each decision group should not have the number of clusters larger than the clustersPerDecisionGroup.
    • groupName: Represents the name to be added as the value of label key of created PlacementDecisions.
    • groupClusterSelector: Defines the label selector to select clusters subset by label.
  • clustersPerDecisionGroup: A specific number or percentage of the total selected clusters. The specific number will divide the placementDecisions to decisionGroups, the max number of clusters in each group equal to that specific number.

With this decision strategy defined, the placement status will list the group result, including the decision group name and index, the cluster count, and the corresponding PlacementDecision names.

  - clusterCount: 10
    decisionGroupIndex: 0
    decisionGroupName: prod-canary-west
    - placement1-decision-1
  - clusterCount: 10
    decisionGroupIndex: 1
    decisionGroupName: prod-canary-east
    - placement1-decision-2
  - clusterCount: 150
    decisionGroupIndex: 2
    decisionGroupName: ""
    - placement1-decision-3
    - placement1-decision-4
  - clusterCount: 140
    decisionGroupIndex: 3
    decisionGroupName: ""
    - placement1-decision-5
    - placement1-decision-6
  numberOfSelectedClusters: 310

The PlacementDecision will have labels and to indicate which group name and group index it belongs to.

kind: PlacementDecision
  labels: placement1 "0" prod-canary-west
  name: placement1-decision-1
  namespace: default

Rollout Strategy

Rollout Strategy API facilitate the use of placement decision strategy with OCM workload applier APIs such as Policy, Addon and ManifestWorkReplicaSet to apply workloads.

    - name: placement-example
        type: Progressive
          - groupName: "prod-canary-west"
          - groupName: "prod-canary-east"
          maxConcurrency: 25%
          minSuccessTime: 5m
          progressDeadline: 10m
          maxFailures: 2

The Rollout Strategy API provides three rollout types;

  1. All: means apply the workload to all clusters in the decision groups at once.
  2. Progressive: means apply the workload to the selected clusters progressively per cluster. The workload will not be applied to the next cluster unless one of the current applied clusters reach the successful state and haven’t breached the MaxFailures configuration.
  3. ProgressivePerGroup: means apply the workload to decisionGroup clusters progressively per group. The workload will not be applied to the next decisionGroup unless all clusters in the current group reach the successful state and haven’t breached the MaxFailures configuration.

The RollOut Strategy API also provides rollOut config to fine-tune the workload apply progress based on the use-case requirements;

  1. MinSuccessTime: defined in seconds/minutes/hours for how long workload applier controller will wait from the beginning of the rollout to proceed with the next rollout, assuming a successful state had been reached and MaxFailures hasn’t been breached. Default is 0 meaning the workload applier proceeds immediately after a successful state is reached.
  2. ProgressDeadline: defined in seconds/minutes/hours for how long workload applier controller will wait until the workload reaches a successful state in the spoke cluster. If the workload does not reach a successful state after ProgressDeadline, the controller will stop waiting and workload will be treated as “timeout” and be counted into MaxFailures. Once the MaxFailures is breached, the rollout will stop. Default value is “None”, meaning the workload applier will wait for a successful state indefinitely.
  3. MaxFailures: defined as the maximum percentage of or number of clusters that can fail in order to proceed with the rollout. Fail means the cluster has a failed status or timeout status (does not reach successful status after ProgressDeadline). Once the MaxFailures is breached, the rollout will stop. Default is 0 means that no failures are tolerated.
  4. MaxConcurrency: is the max number of clusters to deploy workload concurrently. The MaxConcurrency can be defined only in case rollout type is progressive.
  5. MandatoryDecisionGroups: is a list of decision groups to apply the workload first. If mandatoryDecisionGroups not defined the decision group index is considered to apply the workload in groups by order. The MandatoryDecisionGroups can be defined only in case rollout type is progressive or progressivePerGroup.


If no PlacementDecision generated after you creating Placement, you can run below commands to troubleshoot.

Check the Placement conditions

For example:

$ kubectl describe placement <placement-name>
Name:         demo-placement
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Placement
    Last Transition Time:       2022-09-30T07:39:45Z
    Message:                    Placement configurations check pass
    Reason:                     Succeedconfigured
    Status:                     False
    Type:                       PlacementMisconfigured
    Last Transition Time:       2022-09-30T07:39:45Z
    Message:                    No valid ManagedClusterSetBindings found in placement namespace
    Reason:                     NoManagedClusterSetBindings
    Status:                     False
    Type:                       PlacementSatisfied
  Number Of Selected Clusters:  0

The Placement has 2 types of condition, PlacementMisconfigured and PlacementSatisfied.

  • If the condition PlacementMisconfigured is true, means your placement has configuration errors, the message tells you more details about the failure.
  • If the condition PlacementSatisfied is false, means no ManagedCluster satisfy this placement, the message tells you more details about the failure. In this example, it is because no ManagedClusterSetBindings found in placement namespace.

Check the Placement events

For example:

$ kubectl describe placement <placement-name>
Name:         demo-placement
Namespace:    default
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         Placement
  Type    Reason          Age   From                 Message
  ----    ------          ----  ----                 -------
  Normal  DecisionCreate  2m10s   placementController  Decision demo-placement-decision-1 is created with placement demo-placement in namespace default
  Normal  DecisionUpdate  2m10s   placementController  Decision demo-placement-decision-1 is updated with placement demo-placement in namespace default
  Normal  ScoreUpdate     2m10s   placementController  cluster1:0 cluster2:100 cluster3:200
  Normal  DecisionUpdate  3s      placementController  Decision demo-placement-decision-1 is updated with placement demo-placement in namespace default
  Normal  ScoreUpdate     3s      placementController  cluster1:200 cluster2:145 cluster3:189 cluster4:200

The placement controller will give a score to each filtered ManagedCluster and generate an event for it. When the cluster score changes, a new event will generate. You can check the score of each cluster in the Placment events, to know why some clusters with lower score are not selected.


If you want to know more defails of how clusters are selected in each step, can following below step to access the debug endpoint.

Create clusterrole “debugger” to access debug path and bind this to anonymous user.

kubectl create clusterrole "debugger" --verb=get --non-resource-url="/debug/*"
kubectl create clusterrolebinding debugger --clusterrole=debugger --user=system:anonymous

Export placement 8443 port to local.

kubectl port-forward -n open-cluster-management-hub deploy/cluster-manager-placement-controller 8443:8443

Curl below url to debug one specific placement.

curl -k<namespace>/<name>

For example, the environment has a Placement named placement1 in default namespace, which selects 2 ManagedClusters, the output would be like:

$ curl -k

Future work

In addition to selecting cluster by predicates, we are still working on other advanced features including

Last modified September 20, 2024: Refactor using docsy. (#429) (3f36d75)